package IkiWiki::Plugin::mathjax; use warnings; use strict; use IkiWiki 3.00; use MIME::Base64; # Strategy: ## - filter replaces normal TeX delimiters with imath and dmath directives ## (perhaps while considering a mathconf directive); also, it adds a script ## block if there is any math on the page relevant. ## - preprocess handles the directives themselves. ## ## Later: config hooks for mathjax script tag and mathjax config block ## sub import { hook(type => "filter", id => "mathjax", call => \&filter); hook(type => "format", id=>"mathjax", call=> \&format); } sub format { my %params = @_; my $content = $params{content}; return $content unless $content =~ /\!\!mathjaxbegin/; #]/{{ $content =~ s{\!\!mathjaxbegin-i!! (.*?)\s\!\!mathjaxend-i\!\!}{'\('.decode_base64($1).'\)'}ges; #{ $content =~ s{\!\!mathjaxbegin-d!! (.*?)\s\!\!mathjaxend-d\!\!}{'\['.decode_base64($1).'\]'}ges; #{ my $scripttag = _scripttag(); $content =~ s{(</body>)}{$scripttag\n$1}i; #}{ return $content; } sub filter (@) { my %params=@_; my $content = $params{content}; return $content unless $content =~ /\$[^\$]+\$|\\[\(\[][\s\S]+\\[\)\]]/; # first, handle display math... $content =~ s{(?<!\\)\\\[(.+?)(?<!\\)\\\]}{_escape_mathjax('d', $1)}ges; #};[} $content =~ s{(?<!\\)\$\$(.+?)(?<!\\)\$\$}{_escape_mathjax('d', $1)}ges; #};[} # then, the inline math -- note that it must stay on one line $content =~ s{(?<!\\)\\\((.+?)(?<!\\)\\\)}{_escape_mathjax('i', $1)}ge; #};[} # note that the 'parsing' of $..$ is extremely fragile $content =~ s{(?<!\\)\$(.+?)(?<!\\)\$}{_escape_mathjax('i', $1)}ge; #};[} return $content; } sub _escape_mathjax { my ($mode, $formula) = @_; my %modes = qw/i inline d display/; my $directive = "!!mathjaxbegin-$mode!! "; $formula =~ s/"/"/g; $formula =~ s/&/&/g; #"/}[{ $formula =~ s/</</g; $formula =~ s/>/>/g; #{" $directive .= encode_base64($formula, " "); $directive .= "!!mathjaxend-$mode!!"; return $directive; } sub _scripttag { my $config = 'TeX-AMS_HTML'; # another possibility: TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML return '<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">' . 'MathJax.Hub.Config({ TeX: { equationNumbers: {autoNumber: "AMS"} } });' . '</script>' . '<script async="async" type="text/javascript" ' # Serving MathJax script locally #. 'src="' #. 'src="/js/MathJax.js?config=' . 'src="/vendor/MathJax/es5/tex-chtml.js?config=' . $config . '"></script>'; } 1;