[[!meta title="The Cathedral & The Bazaar"]] * Author: Eric S. Raymond ## Main themes * Linus Law: "Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow" (page 30); "debugging is parallelizable" (page 32). * Delphi Effect: "the averaged opinion of a mass of equally expert (or equally ignorant) observers is quite a bit more reliable a predictor than the opinion of a single randomly chosen observer" (page 31). * Brooks Law: "complexity and communication costs of a project rise with the square number of developers" (pages 32, 49). ## Misc * Kropotkin is cited at page 52: "principle of understanding" versus the "principle of command". * Visão libertariana: "The Linux world behaves in many respects like a free market or an ecology, a collection of selfish agents attempting to maximize utility, which in the process produces a self-correcting spontaneous order more elaborate and efficient than any amount of central planning could have achieved." (page 52). Logo em seguida ele nega a existência de um autruísmo puro.