path: root/books/history
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authorSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2020-08-15 17:39:55 -0300
committerSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2020-08-15 17:39:55 -0300
commit1e3d3caa606f7cfb1bb2983e0db526eba8821a4a (patch)
treefec105576f580eb518ca120f4b4206367b3ee4b7 /books/history
parent07561193c07bd127cfe3017d62d9f4b98eae430e (diff)
Updates history
Diffstat (limited to 'books/history')
1 files changed, 238 insertions, 268 deletions
diff --git a/books/history/death-of-nature.md b/books/history/death-of-nature.md
index 47f94ab..828215e 100644
--- a/books/history/death-of-nature.md
+++ b/books/history/death-of-nature.md
@@ -7,130 +7,118 @@
## Excerpts
- Between the sixteenth andseventeenth cerfturies the image of an or-
- ganic cosmos with a living female earth at its ceriter gave way to a
- mechanistic world view in which nature was reconstructed as dead and
- passive, to be dominated and controlled by hufuans. The Death efNature
- deals with the economic, cultural, and scientific changes through which
- this vast transformation came about. In seeking to understand how people
- conceptualized nature in the Scientific Revolution, I am asking not about
- unchanging essences, but about connections between social change and
- changing constructions of nattlre". Similarly. when women today attempt
- to change society's domination of nature, 1:\1~¥.,~e acting to overturn
- moder_n constructions of nature and women as culturally passive and
- subordinate.
- [...]
- Today's feminist and ecological consciousness can be used to examine the
- historical interconnections between women and nature that devel-
- oped as the modern scientific and economic world took form in the
- sixteenth and seventeenth centuries-a transformation that shaped
- and pervades today's mainstream values and perceptions.
- Feminist history in the broadest sense requires that we look at
- [...]
- My intent is instead to examine the
- values associated with the images of women and nature as they re-
- late to the formation of our modern world and their implications for
- 'our lives today.
- In investigating the roots of our current environmental dilemma
- and its connections to science, technology, and the economy, we
- must reexamine the formation of a world view and a science that,
- by reconceptualizing reality as a machine rather than a living or-
- ganism, sanctioned the domination of both nature and women. The
- contributions of such founding "fathers" of modern science as
- Francis Bacon, William Harvey, Rene Descartes, Thomas Hobbes,
- and Isaac Newton must be reevaluated. The fate of other options,
- alternative philosophies, and social groups shaped by the organic
- world view and resistant to the growing exploitative mentality needs
- reappraisal. To understand why one road rather than the other was
- taken requires a broad synthesis of both the natural and cultural
- environments of Western society at the historical turning point.
- This book elaborates an ecological perspective that includes both
+> Between the sixteenth andseventeenth cerfturies the image of an organic
+> cosmos with a living female earth at its ceriter gave way to a mechanistic
+> world view in which nature was reconstructed as dead and passive, to be
+> dominated and controlled by hufuans. The Death efNature deals with the
+> economic, cultural, and scientific changes through which this vast
+> transformation came about. In seeking to understand how people conceptualized
+> nature in the Scientific Revolution, I am asking not about unchanging
+> essences, but about connections between social change and changing
+> constructions of nattlre". Similarly. when women today attempt to change
+> society's domination of nature, 1:\1~¥.,~e acting to overturn moder_n
+> constructions of nature and women as culturally passive and subordinate.
+> [...]
+> Today's feminist and ecological consciousness can be used to examine the
+> historical interconnections between women and nature that developed as the
+> modern scientific and economic world took form in the sixteenth and
+> seventeenth centuries-a transformation that shaped and pervades today's
+> mainstream values and perceptions. Feminist history in the broadest sense
+> requires that we look at
+> [...]
+> My intent is instead to examine the values associated with the images of
+> women and nature as they relate to the formation of our modern world and
+> their implications for 'our lives today.
+> In investigating the roots of our current environmental dilemma and its
+> connections to science, technology, and the economy, we must reexamine the
+> formation of a world view and a science that, by reconceptualizing reality as
+> a machine rather than a living organism, sanctioned the domination of both
+> nature and women. The contributions of such founding "fathers" of modern
+> science as Francis Bacon, William Harvey, Rene Descartes, Thomas Hobbes, and
+> Isaac Newton must be reevaluated. The fate of other options, alternative
+> philosophies, and social groups shaped by the organic world view and
+> resistant to the growing exploitative mentality needs reappraisal. To
+> understand why one road rather than the other was taken requires a broad
+> synthesis of both the natural and cultural environments of Western society at
+> the historical turning point. This book elaborates an ecological perspective
+> that includes both
### Terminology
Nature, art, organic and mechanical:
- A distinction was commonly made
- between natura naturans, or nature creating, and natura naturata,
- the natural creation.
- Nature was contrasted with art (techne) and with artificially cre-
- ated things. It was personified as a female-being, e.g., Dame Na-
- ture; she was alternately a prudent lady, an empress, a mother, etc.
- The course of nature and the laws of nature were the actualization
- of her force. The state of nature was the state of mankind prior to
- social organization and prior to the state of grace. Nature spirits,
- nature deities, virgin nymphs, and elementals were thought to re-
- side in or be associated with natural objects.
- In both Western and non-Western cultures, nature was tradition-
- ally feminine.
- [...]
- In the early modern period, the term organic usually referred to
- the bodily organs, structures, and organization of living beings,
- while organicism was the doctrine that organic structure was the
- result of an inherent, adaptive property in matter. The word organi-
- cal, however, was also sometimes used to refer to a machine or an
- instrument. Thus a clock was sometimes called an "organical
- body," while som~ machines were said to operate by organical,
- rather than mechanical, action if the touch of a person was in-
- volved.
- Mechanical referred to the machine and tool trades; the manual
- operations of the handicrafts; inanimate machines that lacked spon-
- taneity, volition, and thought; and the mechanical sciences. 1
+> A distinction was commonly made between natura naturans, or nature creating,
+> and natura naturata, the natural creation.
+> Nature was contrasted with art (techne) and with artificially created things.
+> It was personified as a female-being, e.g., Dame Nature; she was alternately
+> a prudent lady, an empress, a mother, etc. The course of nature and the laws
+> of nature were the actualization of her force. The state of nature was the
+> state of mankind prior to social organization and prior to the state of
+> grace. Nature spirits, nature deities, virgin nymphs, and elementals were
+> thought to reside in or be associated with natural objects.
+> In both Western and non-Western cultures, nature was traditionally feminine.
+> [...]
+> In the early modern period, the term organic usually referred to the bodily
+> organs, structures, and organization of living beings, while organicism was
+> the doctrine that organic structure was the result of an inherent, adaptive
+> property in matter. The word organical, however, was also sometimes used to
+> refer to a machine or an instrument. Thus a clock was sometimes called an
+> "organical body," while som~ machines were said to operate by organical,
+> rather than mechanical, action if the touch of a person was involved.
+> Mechanical referred to the machine and tool trades; the manual operations of
+> the handicrafts; inanimate machines that lacked spontaneity, volition, and
+> thought; and the mechanical sciences. 1
### Nature that nurtures and thats also uncontrollable, replaced by "the machine"
- the organic theory was the identification of nature, especially the
- earth, with a nurturing mother: a kindly beneficent female who pro-
- vided for the needs of mankind in an ordered, planned universe. But
- another opposing image of nature as female was also prevalent:
- wild and uncontrollable nature that could render violence, storms,
- droughts, and general chaos. Both were identified with the female
- sex and were projections of human perceptions onto the external
- world. The metaphor of the earth as a nurturing mother was gradu-
- ally to vanish as a dominant image as the Scientific Revolution pro-
- ceeded to mechanize and to rationalize the world view. The second
- image, nature as disorder, called forth an important modern idea,
- that of power over nature. Two new ideas, those of mechanism and
- of the domination and mastery of nature, became core concepts of
- the modern world. An organically oriented mentality in which fe-
- male principles played an important role was undermined and re-
- placed by a mechanically oriented mentality that either eliminated
- or used female principles in an exploitative manner. As Western
- culture became increasingly mechanized in the 1600s, the female
- earth and virgin earth spirit were subdued by the machine. 1
+> NATURE AS NURTURE: CONTROLLING IMAGERY. Central to the organic theory was the
+> identification of nature, especially the earth, with a nurturing mother: a
+> kindly beneficent female who provided for the needs of mankind in an ordered,
+> planned universe. But another opposing image of nature as female was also
+> prevalent: wild and uncontrollable nature that could render violence, storms,
+> droughts, and general chaos. Both were identified with the female sex and
+> were projections of human perceptions onto the external world. The metaphor
+> of the earth as a nurturing mother was gradually to vanish as a dominant
+> image as the Scientific Revolution pro- ceeded to mechanize and to
+> rationalize the world view. The second image, nature as disorder, called
+> forth an important modern idea, that of power over nature. Two new ideas,
+> those of mechanism and of the domination and mastery of nature, became core
+> concepts of the modern world. An organically oriented mentality in which
+> female principles played an important role was undermined and replaced by a
+> mechanically oriented mentality that either eliminated or used female
+> principles in an exploitative manner. As Western culture became increasingly
+> mechanized in the 1600s, the female earth and virgin earth spirit were
+> subdued by the machine. 1
### Mining and the female body
- The image of the earth as a living organism and nurturing
- mother had served as a cultural constraint restricting the actions of
- human beings. One does not readily slay a mother, dig into her en-
- trails for gold or mutilate her body, although commercial mining
- would soon require that. As long as the earth was considered to be
- alive and sensitive, it could be considered a breach of human ethical
- behavior to carry out destructive acts against it. For most tradition-
- al cultures, minerals and metals ripened in the uterus of the Earth
- Mother, mines were compared to her vagina, and metallurgy was
- the human hastening of the birth of the living metal in the artificial
- womb of the furnace-an abortion of the metal's natural growth
- cycle before its time. Miners offered propitiation to the deities of
- the soil and subterranean world, performed ceremonial sacrifices,
- · and observed strict cleanliness, sexual abstinence, and fasting be-
- fore violating the sacredness of the living earth by sinking a mine.
- Smiths assumed an awesome responsibility in precipitating the met-
- al's birth through smeltin,.g, fusing, and beating it with hammer and
- anvil; they were often accorded the status of shaman in tribal rit-
- uals and their tools were thought to hold special powers.
+> The image of the earth as a living organism and nurturing mother had served
+> as a cultural constraint restricting the actions of human beings. One does
+> not readily slay a mother, dig into her entrails for gold or mutilate her
+> body, although commercial mining would soon require that. As long as the
+> earth was considered to be alive and sensitive, it could be considered a
+> breach of human ethical behavior to carry out destructive acts against it.
+> For most traditional cultures, minerals and metals ripened in the uterus of
+> the Earth Mother, mines were compared to her vagina, and metallurgy was the
+> human hastening of the birth of the living metal in the artificial womb of
+> the furnace-an abortion of the metal's natural growth cycle before its time.
+> Miners offered propitiation to the deities of the soil and subterranean
+> world, performed ceremonial sacrifices, · and observed strict cleanliness,
+> sexual abstinence, and fasting before violating the sacredness of the living
+> earth by sinking a mine. Smiths assumed an awesome responsibility in
+> precipitating the metal's birth through smeltin,.g, fusing, and beating it
+> with hammer and anvil; they were often accorded the status of shaman in
+> tribal rituals and their tools were thought to hold special powers.
Is there a relation between torture (basanos), extraction of "truth" and
mining gold out of a mine? See discussions both on "The Counterrevolution"
@@ -138,173 +126,155 @@ and "Torture and Truth".
### Hidden norms: controlling images
- Controlling images operate as ethical restraints or as ethical sanc-
- tions-as subtle "oughts" or "ought-nots." Thus as the descriptive
- metaphors and images of nature change, a behavioral restraint can
- be changed into a sanction. Such a change in the image and de'-
- scription of nature was occurring during the course of the Scientific
- Revolution.
- It is important to recognize the normative import of descriptive
- statements about nature. Contemporary philosophers of language
- have critically reassessed the earlier positivist distinction between
- the "is" of science and the "ought" of society, arguing that descrip-
- tions and norms are not opposed to one another by linguistic sepa-
- ration into separate "is" and "ought" statements, but are contained
- within each other. Descriptive statements about the world can pre-
- suppose the normative; they are then ethic-laden.
- [...]
- The writer
- or culture may not be conscious of the ethical import yet may act in
- accordance with its dictates. The hidden norms may become con-
- scious or explicit when an alternative or contradiction presents it-
- self. Because language contains a culture within itself, when lan-
- guage changes, a culture is also changing in important way~~ By
- examining changes in descriptions of nature, we can then perceive
- something of the changes in cultural values. To be aware of the in-.
+> Controlling images operate as ethical restraints or as ethical sanctions-as
+> subtle "oughts" or "ought-nots." Thus as the descriptive metaphors and images
+> of nature change, a behavioral restraint can be changed into a sanction. Such
+> a change in the image and description of nature was occurring during the
+> course of the Scientific Revolution.
+> It is important to recognize the normative import of descriptive statements
+> about nature. Contemporary philosophers of language have critically
+> reassessed the earlier positivist distinction between the "is" of science and
+> the "ought" of society, arguing that descriptions and norms are not opposed
+> to one another by linguistic sepa- ration into separate "is" and "ought"
+> statements, but are contained within each other. Descriptive statements about
+> the world can presuppose the normative; they are then ethic-laden.
+> [...]
+> The writer or culture may not be conscious of the ethical import yet may act
+> in accordance with its dictates. The hidden norms may become conscious or
+> explicit when an alternative or contradiction presents it- self. Because
+> language contains a culture within itself, when language changes, a culture
+> is also changing in important way~~ By examining changes in descriptions of
+> nature, we can then perceive something of the changes in cultural values.
### Renaissance: hierarchical order
- The Renaissance view of nature and society was based on the or-
- ganic analogy between the human body, or microcosm, and the
- larger world, or macrocosm.
- [...]
- But while the pastoral tradition symbolized nature as a benevo-
- lent female, it contained the implication that nature when plowed
- and cultivated could be used as a commodity and manipulated as a
- resource. Nature, tamed and subdued, could be transformed into a
- garden to provide both material and spiritual food to enhance the
- comfort and soothe the anxieties of men distraught by the demands
- of the urban world and the stresses of the marketplace. It depended
- on a masculine perception of nature as a mother and bride whose
- primary function was to comfort; nurture, and provide for the well-
- being of the male. In pastoral imagery, both nature and women are
- subordinate and essentially passive. They nurture but do not control
- or exhibit disruptive passion. The pastoral mode, although it viewed
- nature as benevolent, was a model created as an antidote to the
- pressures of urbanization and mechanization. It represented a ful-
- fillment of human needs for nurture, but by conceiving of nature as
- passive, it nevertheless allowed for the possibility of its use and ma-
- nipulation. Unlike the dialectical image of nature as the active uni-
- ty of opposites in tension, the Arcadian image rendered nature pas-
- sive and manageable.
+> The Renaissance view of nature and society was based on the organic analogy
+> between the human body, or microcosm, and the larger world, or macrocosm.
+> [...]
+> But while the pastoral tradition symbolized nature as a benevolent female, it
+> contained the implication that nature when plowed and cultivated could be
+> used as a commodity and manipulated as a resource. Nature, tamed and subdued,
+> could be transformed into a garden to provide both material and spiritual
+> food to enhance the comfort and soothe the anxieties of men distraught by the
+> demands of the urban world and the stresses of the marketplace. It depended
+> on a masculine perception of nature as a mother and bride whose primary
+> function was to comfort; nurture, and provide for the wellbeing of the male.
+> In pastoral imagery, both nature and women are subordinate and essentially
+> passive. They nurture but do not control or exhibit disruptive passion. The
+> pastoral mode, although it viewed nature as benevolent, was a model created
+> as an antidote to the pressures of urbanization and mechanization. It
+> represented a fulfillment of human needs for nurture, but by conceiving of
+> nature as passive, it nevertheless allowed for the possibility of its use and
+> manipulation. Unlike the dialectical image of nature as the active uni- ty of
+> opposites in tension, the Arcadian image rendered nature passive and
+> manageable.
### Undressing
- An allegory (1160) by Alain of Lille, of the School of Chartres,
- portrays Natura, God's powerful but humble servant, as stricken
- with grief at the failure of man (in contrast to other species) to
- obey her laws. Owing to faulty supervision by Venus, human beings
- engage in adulterous sensual love. In aggressively penetrating the
- secrets of heaven, they tear Natura's undergarments, exposing her
- to the view of the vulgar. She complains that "by the unlawful as-
- saults of man alone the garments of my modesty suffer disgrace
- and division."
- [...]
- Such basic attitudes
- toward ·male-female roles in biological generation where the female
- and the earth are both passive receptors could easily become sanc-
- tions for exploitation as the organic context was transformed by the
- rise of commercial capitalism.
- [...]
- The macrocosm theory, as we have seen, likened the cosmos to
- the human body, soul, and spirit with male and female reproductive
- components. Similarly, the geocosm theory compared the earth to
- the living human body, with breath, blood, sweat, and elimination
- systems.
- [...]
- The earth's springs were akin to the human blood system; its oth-
- er various fluids were likened to the mucus, saliva, sweat, and other
- forins of lubrication in the human body, the earth being organized
- "'. .. much after the plan of our bodies, in which there are both
- veins and arteries, the former blood vessels, the latter air vessels ....
- So exactly alike is the resemblance to our bodies in nature's forma-
- tion of the earth, that our ancestors have spoken of veins [springs]
- of water." Just as the human body contained blood, marrow, mu-
- cus, saliva, tears, and lubricating fluids, so in the earth there were
- various fluids. Liquids that turned hard became metals, such as
- gold and silver; other fluids turned into stones, bitumens, and veins
- of sulfur. Like the human body, the earth gave forth sweat: "There
- is often a gathering of thin, scattered moisture like dew, which from
- many points flows into one spot. The dowsers call it sweat, because
- a kind of drop is either squeezed out by the pressure of the ground
- or raised by the heat."
- Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) enlarged the Greek analogy be-
- tween the waters of the earth and the ebb and flow of human blood
- through the veins and heart
- [...]
- A widely held alchemical belief was the growth of the baser met-
- als into gold in womblike matrices in the earth. The appearance of
- silver in lead ores or gold in silvery assays was evidence that this
- transformation was under way. Just as the child grew in the
- warmth of the female womb, so the growth of metals was fostered
+> An allegory (1160) by Alain of Lille, of the School of Chartres, portrays
+> Natura, God's powerful but humble servant, as stricken with grief at the
+> failure of man (in contrast to other species) to obey her laws. Owing to
+> faulty supervision by Venus, human beings engage in adulterous sensual love.
+> In aggressively penetrating the secrets of heaven, they tear Natura's
+> undergarments, exposing her to the view of the vulgar. She complains that "by
+> the unlawful assaults of man alone the garments of my modesty suffer disgrace
+> and division."
+> [...]
+> Such basic attitudes toward ·male-female roles in biological generation where
+> the female and the earth are both passive receptors could easily become
+> sanctions for exploitation as the organic context was transformed by the rise
+> of commercial capitalism.
+> [...]
+> The macrocosm theory, as we have seen, likened the cosmos to the human body,
+> soul, and spirit with male and female reproductive components. Similarly, the
+> geocosm theory compared the earth to the living human body, with breath,
+> blood, sweat, and elimination systems.
+> [...]
+> The earth's springs were akin to the human blood system; its other various
+> fluids were likened to the mucus, saliva, sweat, and other forins of
+> lubrication in the human body, the earth being organized "'. .. much after
+> the plan of our bodies, in which there are both veins and arteries, the
+> former blood vessels, the latter air vessels .... So exactly alike is the
+> resemblance to our bodies in nature's formation of the earth, that our
+> ancestors have spoken of veins [springs] of water." Just as the human body
+> contained blood, marrow, mucus, saliva, tears, and lubricating fluids, so in
+> the earth there were various fluids. Liquids that turned hard became metals,
+> such as gold and silver; other fluids turned into stones, bitumens, and veins
+> of sulfur. Like the human body, the earth gave forth sweat: "There is often a
+> gathering of thin, scattered moisture like dew, which from many points flows
+> into one spot. The dowsers call it sweat, because a kind of drop is either
+> squeezed out by the pressure of the ground or raised by the heat."
+> Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) enlarged the Greek analogy between the waters
+> of the earth and the ebb and flow of human blood through the veins and heart
+> [...]
+> A widely held alchemical belief was the growth of the baser metals into gold
+> in womblike matrices in the earth. The appearance of silver in lead ores or
+> gold in silvery assays was evidence that this transformation was under way.
+> Just as the child grew in the warmth of the female womb, so the growth of
+> metals was fostered
### Matrix
- The earth in the Paracelsian philosophy was the mother or matrix
- giving birth to plants, animals, and men.
+> The earth in the Paracelsian philosophy was the mother or matrix
+> giving birth to plants, animals, and men.
### Renaissance was diverse
- In general, the Renaissance view was that all things were permeat-
- ed by life, there being no adequate method by which to designate
- the inanimate from the animate.
- [...] but criteria by which to differentiate the living from
- the nonliving could not successfully be formulated. This was due
- not only to the vitalistic framework of the period but to striking
- similarities between them.
- [...]
- Popular Renaissance literature was filled with hundreds of im-
- ages associating nature, matter, and the earth with the female sex.
- [...]
- In the 1960s, the Native-American became a symbol in the ecol-
- ogy movement's search for alternatives to Western exploitative atti-
- tudes. The Indian animistic belief-system and reverence for the
- earth as a · mother were contrasted with the Judeo-Christian heri-
- tage of dominion over nature and with capitalist practices resulting
- in the "tragedy of the commons" (exploitation of resources avail-
- able for any person's or nation's use). But as will be seen, European
- culture was more complex and varied than this judgment allows. It
- ignores the Renaissance philosophy of the nurturing earth as well
- as those philosophies and social movements resistant to mainstream
- economic change.
+> In general, the Renaissance view was that all things were permeated by life,
+> there being no adequate method by which to designate the inanimate from the
+> animate. [...] but criteria by which to differentiate the living from the
+> nonliving could not successfully be formulated. This was due not only to the
+> vitalistic framework of the period but to striking similarities between them.
+> [...]
+> Popular Renaissance literature was filled with hundreds of images associating
+> nature, matter, and the earth with the female sex.
+> [...]
+> In the 1960s, the Native-American became a symbol in the ecology movement's
+> search for alternatives to Western exploitative attitudes. The Indian
+> animistic belief-system and reverence for the earth as a · mother were
+> contrasted with the Judeo-Christian heritage of dominion over nature and with
+> capitalist practices resulting in the "tragedy of the commons" (exploitation
+> of resources available for any person's or nation's use). But as will be
+> seen, European culture was more complex and varied than this judgment allows.
+> It ignores the Renaissance philosophy of the nurturing earth as well as those
+> philosophies and social movements resistant to mainstream economic change.
### Mining as revealing the hidden secrets
- In his defense, the miner argued that the earth was not a real moth-
- er, but a wicked stepmother who hides and conceals the metals in
- her inner parts instead of making them available for human use.
- [...]
- In the old hermit's tale, we have a fascina,ting example·of the re:·
- lationship between images and values. The older view of nature as a
- kindly mother is challenged by the growing interests of the mining
- industry in Saxony, Bohemia, and the Harz Mountains, regions of
- newly found prosperity (Fig. 6). The miner, representing these
- newer commercial activities, transforms the irnage of the nurturing
- mother into that of a stepmother who wickedly conceals her bounty
- from the deserving and needy children. In the seventeenth century,
- the image will be seen to undergo yet another transformation, as
- natural philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626) sets forth the need
- for prying into nature's nooks and crannies in searching out her se-
- crets for human improvement.
- -- 33
+> In his defense, the miner argued that the earth was not a real mother, but a
+> wicked stepmother who hides and conceals the metals in her inner parts
+> instead of making them available for human use.
+> [...]
+> In the old hermit's tale, we have a fascina,ting example·of the re:·
+> lationship between images and values. The older view of nature as a kindly
+> mother is challenged by the growing interests of the mining industry in
+> Saxony, Bohemia, and the Harz Mountains, regions of newly found prosperity
+> (Fig. 6). The miner, representing these newer commercial activities,
+> transforms the irnage of the nurturing mother into that of a stepmother who
+> wickedly conceals her bounty from the deserving and needy children. In the
+> seventeenth century, the image will be seen to undergo yet another
+> transformation, as natural philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626) sets forth
+> the need for prying into nature's nooks and crannies in searching out her
+> secrets for human improvement.
+> -- 33