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% Torture

  title     = {KUBARK: Counterintelligence Interrogation},
  author    = {Central Intelligence Agency - CIA},
  publisher = {Central Intelligence Agency - CIA},
  isbn      = {},
  year      = {1963},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},
  url       = {https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2014/apr/08/cia-declassifies-additional-portions-kubark-interr/}

  title     = {Kubark: Le manuel secret de manipulation mentale et de torture psychologique de la CIA},
  author    = {La découverte; Grégoire Chamayou; Emilien Bernard; Jean-Baptiste Bernard},
  publisher = {Zones},
  isbn      = {235522045X,9782355220456},
  year      = {2012},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},
  url       = {https://archive.org/details/KubarkLeManuelSecretDeManipulationMentale},

  title     = {Enhanced Interrogation: Inside the Minds and Motives of the Islamic Terrorists Trying to Destroy America},
  author    = {James E. Mitchell, Bill Harlow},
  publisher = {Crown Forum},
  isbn      = {9781101906859},
  year      = {2016},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},
  url       = {https://enhancedinterrogation.com},

  title     = {The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How The War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals},
  author    = {Jane Mayer},
  publisher = {Doubleday},
  isbn      = {0385526393,9780385526395},
  year      = {2008},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {First Edition},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Esperar não é saber: a arte entre o silêncio e a evidência},
  author    = {André Mesquita},
  year      = {2015},
  isbn      = {978-85-919097-0-4},
  publisher = {Edição do autor},

  title     = {The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World},
  author    = {Elaine Scarry},
  publisher = {Oxford University Press},
  isbn      = {0195049969,9780195049961,0195036018,9780195036015},
  year      = {1985},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {1},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {O diário de Guantânamo},
  author    = {Mohamedou Ould Slahi},
  publisher = {Companhia das Letras},
  isbn      = {},
  year      = {2015},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  author    = "Henri Alleg",
  title     = "A tortura",
  publisher = "Todavia",
  isbn      = "9786551140037",
  year      = "2020",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "1ª",
  volume    = "",
  url       = ""

  author    = "Jean-Paul Sartre",
  title     = "La question (suivi de Une victoire)",
  publisher = "Edition de minuit, Jean-Jacques Pauvert",
  isbn      = "",
  year      = "1965",
  series    = "Libertés",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = ""

  title     = {Tortura},
  author    = {Donatella Di Cesare},
  publisher = {Bollati Boringhieri},
  isbn      = {978-88-339-7510-8},
  year      = {2016},
  series    = {I sampietrini 19},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = "Torture",
  author    = "Cesare, Donatella Di",
  year      = "2018",
  publisher = "Polity",
  isbn      = "1509524401,9781509524402",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = {A tortura como arma de guerra da Argélia ao Brasil},
  author    = {Leneide Duarte-Plon},
  publisher = {},
  isbn      = {9788520013021},
  year      = {2016},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {A Casa da Vovó - Uma Biografia do DOI-Codi (1969-1991), O Centro de Sequestro, Tortura e Morte Da Ditadura Militar - Histórias, Documentos e Depoimentos Inéditos dos Agentes do Regime},
  author    = {Marcelo Godoy},
  publisher = {Alameda},
  isbn      = {9788579392467},
  year      = {2015},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Storia della tortura},
  author    = {George Riley Scott},
  publisher = {Mondadori},
  isbn      = {},
  year      = {2009},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Osservazioni sulla tortura},
  author    = {Pietro Verri and S. Contarini (ed.)},
  publisher = {BUR},
  isbn      = {},
  year      = {2011},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title  = {O Mecanismo Nacional de Prevenção e Combate à Tortura},
  author = {Ana Carolina Oliveira de Almeida Caiano Antunes Isfer},
  url    = {https://bdm.unb.br/bitstream/10483/23388/1/2018_AnaCarolinaOliveiraAntunesIsfer_tcc.pdf},
  type   = {Bachelor's Thesis},
  school = {Universidade de Brasília},
  year   = {2018},

  title     = {The Minnesota Protocol on the investigation of potentially unlawful death (2016) - The Revised United Nations Manual on the Effective Prevention and Investigation of Extra-legal, Arbitrary and Summary Executions},
  author    = {United Nations Human Rights - Office of the High Commissioner},
  year      = {2016},
  publisher = {United Nations},
  isbn      = {92-130142-4 01500P,978-92-1-154220-2,978-92-1-060582-3},
  url       = {https://www.ohchr.org/en/special-procedures/sr-executions/minnesota-protocol},

  title     = "Brasil: nunca mais",
  author    = "D. Paulo Evaristo Arns",
  publisher = "Editora Vozes",
  isbn      = "8532600301,9788532600301",
  year      = "2014",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "41",
  volume    = "",
  url       = ""

  title     = {Tortura - Uma visão sistêmica do fenômeno da tortura em diferentes sociedades e momentos da história},
  author    = {Edward Peters},
  publisher = {Editora Ática},
  year      = {1989},
  isbn      = {85 08 03286 2},

  author    = "Maria Rita Kehl",
  title     = "Tortura e sintoma social",
  publisher = "Boitempo Editorial",
  isbn      = "9788575596906",
  year      = "2010",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = ""

% https://issuu.com/editoriaemdebate/docs/terrorismo-de-estado/123
% https://editoriaemdebate.ufsc.br/catalogo/terrorismo-de-estado-a-tortura-como-uma-das-formas-de-sua-expressao-sabrina-schultz/
  title  = {Terrorismo de Estado: a tortura como uma das formas de sua expressão},
  author = {Sabrina Schultz},
  year   = {2015},
  school = {Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina},
  url    = {https://repositorio.ufsc.br/xmlui/handle/123456789/159412},

% http://www.dhnet.org.br/dados/livros/dh/livro_sdh_tortura.pdf
  title     = {Tortura},
  author    = {Coordenação Geral de Combate à Tortura (Org.)},
  year      = {2010},
  publisher = {Secretaria de Direitos Humanos - Presidência da República},
  url       = {https://estadodedireito.com.br/tortura-coordenacao-geral-de-combate-a-tortura/},

  author    = "Ramos, Francisco Régis Lopes",
  title     = "O escorpião atrás do espelho - a tortura no regime militar e o declínio da narrativa",
  publisher = "Imprensa Universitária",
  isbn      = "9788574852539",
  year      = "2016",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  author    = "Emediato, Luiz Fernando",
  title     = "Não Passarás o Jordão - Tortura, terror e morte na ditadura militar brasileira",
  publisher = "Geração Editorial",
  isbn      = "9788581302072,9788581302003",
  year      = "2013",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  author    = "Xabier Makazaga",
  title     = "Manual del torturador español",
  publisher = "",
  isbn      = "",
  year      = "2009",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  author    = "Makazaga Xabier",
  title     = "Torturadores \& CIA",
  publisher = "",
  isbn      = "8481301418",
  year      = "s.d.",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = ""

  title  = {Tortura: A História da Repressão Política no Brasil},
  author = {Antonio Carlos Fon},
  year   = {1979},
  url    = {http://dhnet.org.br/verdade/resistencia/livro_antonio_carlos_fon_tortura.pdf},

  title    = {Enunciações da tortura. Memórias da ditadura brasileira},
  author   = {Cynthia Sarti},
  year     = {2019},
  journal  = {Revista de Antropologia},
  number   = {3},
  volume   = {62},
  month    = {dez.},
  pages    = {505--529},
  url      = {https://www.revistas.usp.br/ra/article/view/165230},
  doi      = {10.11606/2179-0892.ra.2019.165230},
  abstract = {O objetivo deste texto é discutir a tortura a partir do que revelam suas formas de enunciação. Em um diálogo com reflexões sobre a tortura na sociedade moderna em contextos históricos diversos, analisa testemunhos literários escritos por quem viveu essa experiência de dor e sofrimento durante o período da ditadura civil-militar brasileira (1964-85). Interroga esses testemunhos como reminiscências, tecidas ao longo do tempo por elos distintos entre passado e presente, segundo as perguntas individuais e coletivas do presente, buscando a singularidade do vivido nas circunstâncias sociais e políticas que o envolvem, diante do caráter extremo da tortura.},

  author    = "Sifris, Ronli",
  title     = "Reproductive Freedom, Torture and International Human Rights: Challenging the Masculinisation of Torture",
  publisher = "Routledge",
  isbn      = "1135115214, 9781135115210",
  year      = "2014",
  series    = "Routledge Research in Human Rights Law",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  author    = "Alfred McCoy",
  title     = "A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror",
  publisher = "St. Martins Press",
  isbn      = "0805082484",
  year      = "2007",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  author    = "Darius Rejali",
  title     = "Torture and Democracy",
  publisher = "Princeton University Press",
  isbn      = "0691143331,9780691143330",
  year      = "2009",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = ""

  author    = "Shampa Biswas and Zahi Zalloua",
  title     = "Torture: Power, Democracy, and the Human Body",
  publisher = "University of Washington Press",
  isbn      = "978-0295996905",
  year      = "2011",
  series    = "Global Re-Visions",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = ""

  title     = "O Martelo das Feiticeiras - Malleus Maleficarum",
  author    = "Heinrich Kramer",
  year      = "1997",
  publisher = "Record; Rosa dos Ventos",
  isbn      = "8501647063",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "12",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "The Hammer of Witches: A Complete Translation of the Malleus Maleficarum",
  author    = "Heinrich Kramer",
  year      = "2009",
  publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
  isbn      = "0521747872,9780521747875",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "1",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "Unspeakable acts, ordinary people: the dynamics of torture",
  author    = "Conroy, John",
  year      = "2000",
  publisher = "Knopf",
  isbn      = "0679419187,9780679419181",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "1st",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "The Justice Cascade: How Human Rights Prosecutions Are Changing World Politics",
  author    = "Kathryn Sikkink",
  year      = "2011",
  publisher = "W. W. Norton \& Company",
  isbn      = "0393079937",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "1",
  volume    = "1",
  url       = "",

  title   = {Retrato da Repressão Política no Campo Brasil - 1962-1985 - Camponeses torturados, mortos e desaparecidos},
  author  = {Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário},
  edition = {2},
  year    = {2011},
  url     = {http://nmspp.net.br/arquivos/para_leitura/camponeses_e_ditadura/Retrato%20da%20Repressao%20Politica%20no%20Campo%20-%20Brasil%201962-1985%20-%20Camponeses%20torturados%20mortos%20e%20desaparecidos.pdf},

  title     = "Memórias de uma guerra suja",
  author    = "Cláudio Guerra and Marcelo Netto and Rogério Medeiros",
  year      = "2012",
  publisher = "Topbooks",

  title     = "MPF obtém condenação de ex-delegado do Dops por ocultação de cadáver durante a ditadura militar",
  author    = "Procuradoria da República no Rio de Janeiro",
  year      = "2023",
  url       = "https://www.mpf.mp.br/rj/sala-de-imprensa/noticias-rj/mpf-obtem-condenacao-de-ex-delegado-do-dops-por-ocultacao-de-cadaver-durante-a-ditadura-militar/view",

  title  = "Pastor Cláudio",
  author = "Beth Formaggini",
  year   = "2017",
  url    = "https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/480968-pastor-cl-udio",

  title  = "Project MKULTRA Cracked: Declassified CIA Brain Warfare Research",
  author = "Josh Patrick Paulton and Alannah Clamp",
  year   = "2022",
  url    = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzdwD3kdWwU",

  title  = "O crime de tortura na legislação brasileira",
  author = "Jamile Garcia de Lucca",
  year   = "2018",
  url    = "https://jus.com.br/artigos/61600/o-crime-de-tortura-na-legislacao-brasileira",
  note   = "Acessado em 05/07/2023",

  title  = "Tortura no Brasil",
  author = "Julia Ignacio",
  year   = "2018",
  url    = "https://www.politize.com.br/tortura-no-brasil/",
  note   = "Acessado em 05/07/2023",

  title  = "Artigo Quinto - Inciso III – Tortura",
  author = "Adriana Mattos and Talita de Carvalho",
  year   = "2019",
  url    = "https://www.politize.com.br/artigo-5/tortura/",
  note   = "Acessado em 05/07/2023",

  title  = "Inciso XLIV – Proteção à ordem constitucional e à democracia",
  author = "Fernanda Araújo Jose and Matheus Silveira",
  year   = "2020",
  url    = "https://www.politize.com.br/artigo-5/protecao-a-ordem-constitucional-e-a-democracia/",
  note   = "Acessado em 05/07/2023",

  title  = "Inciso XLIII – Crimes hediondos",
  author = "Felipe Miranda Ferrari Picolo and Matheus Silveira",
  year   = "2020",
  url    = "https://www.politize.com.br/artigo-5/crimes-hediondos/",
  note   = "Acessado em 05/07/2023",

  title     = {Zero Dark Thirty and the Writing of Post-9/11 History},
  author    = {Gilmore, James N.},
  year      = {2016},
  publisher = {Taylor and Francis Group},
  journal   = {Quarterly Review of Film and Video},
  doi       = {10.1080/10509208.2016.1194110},
  issn      = {1050-9208,1543-5326},
  pages     = {1--20},
  url       = {http://doi.org/10.1080/10509208.2016.1194110},

  title      = "Como torturavam as SS",
  author     = "J. Bogatsvo",
  year       = "1979",
  translator = "Vasco Hogan Teves",
  publisher  = "Livraria Popular de Francisco Franco",

  title         = "Rituais de sofrimento",
  author        = "Viana, Silvia",
  year          = "2013",
  publisher     = "Boitempo",
  isbn          = "978-85-7559-309-7",
  series        = "Coleção Estado de Sítio",
  edition       = "1",
  volume        = "",
  url           = "",