% Encoding: UTF-8 @article{winner1980, doi = {10.2307/20024652}, title = {Modern Technology: Problem or Opportunity? || Do Artifacts Have Politics?}, author = {Langdon Winner}, publisher = {MIT Press}, journal = {Daedalus}, issnp = {0011-5266}, year = {1980}, month = {WIN}, volume = {109}, issue = {1}, page = {121--136}, } % https://www.academia.edu/39373428/Disruptive_Technologies_Catching_the_Wave @article{christensen1995, title = {Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave}, author = {Joseph L. Bower, Clayton M. Christensen}, year = {1995}, journal = {Hardware Business Review}, issue = {January–February}, url = {https://hbr.org/1995/01/disruptive-technologies-catching-the-wave}, } @book{ellul1964, title = {The Technological Society}, author = {Jacques Ellul}, publisher = {Vintage}, isbn = {9780394703909}, year = {1964}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{ellul1980, title = {The Technological System}, author = {Jacques Ellul}, publisher = {}, isbn = {}, year = {1980}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{ellul1990, title = {The Technological Bluff}, author = {Mr. Jacques Ellul}, publisher = {Wm. B. Eerdmans-Lightning Source}, isbn = {080280960X;978-0802809605}, year = {1990}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, }