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  title     = {The People Vs Tech},
  publisher = {Penguin Random House},
  year      = {2018},
  author    = {J. Bartlett},
  isbn      = {9781785039065},
  groups    = {Misc},

  title     = {Surveillance valley: the secret military history of the internet},
  author    = {Levine, Yasha},
  publisher = {PublicAffairs},
  isbn      = {9781610399166,1610399161},
  year      = {2018},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},
  url       = {https://surveillancevalley.com/},

  title     = {We Are Data: Algorithms and The Making of Our Digital Selves},
  author    = {John Cheney-Lippold},
  publisher = {NYU Press},
  isbn      = {1479857599,9781479857593},
  year      = {2017},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Privacy is power: why and how you shouldtake back control of your data},
  author    = {Carissa Véliz},
  publisher = {Transworld Digital},
  isbn      = {9781473583535},
  year      = {2020},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Da Cibersegurança à Ciberguerra – o desenvolvimento de políticas de vigilância no Brasil},
  author    = {Artigo 19},
  year      = {2016},
  url       = {https://artigo19.org/2016/03/10/da-ciberseguranca-a-ciberguerra-o-desenvolvimento-de-politicas-de-vigilancia-no-brasil/},
  note      = {Estudo que analisa o aparato de vigilância do Estado brasileiro e as mudanças desencadeadas no setor após as revelações de Edward Snowden e no contexto da realização de megaeventos},

  title  = {Entre a visibilidade e a exclusão: um mapeamento dos riscos da Identificação Civil Nacional e do uso de sua base de dados para a plataforma Gov.br},
  author = {Data Privacy Brasil},
  year   = {2022},
  url    = {https://www.dataprivacybr.org/documentos/policy-paper-entre-a-visibilidade-e-a-exclusao-um-mapeamento-dos-riscos-da-identificacao-civil-nacional/?idProject=},

  title  = {Screen New Deal - Under Cover of Mass Death, Andrew Cuomo Calls in the Billionaires to Build a High-Tech Dystopia},
  author = {Naomi Klein},
  year   = {2020},
  url    = {https://theintercept.com/2020/05/08/andrew-cuomo-eric-schmidt-coronavirus-tech-shock-doctrine/},

  title  = {Coronavírus pode construir uma distopia tecnológica - Sob pretexto de preservar vidas na pandemia de coronavírus, governador de Nova York pede que bilionários invistam em tecnologia de vigilância.},
  author = {Naomi Klein},
  year   = {2020},
  url    = {https://theintercept.com/2020/05/13/coronavirus-governador-nova-york-bilionarios-vigilancia/},

  title  = {Slavoj Zizek: The Schmidt-Cuomo digital future is a highway to the Matrix},
  author = {Slavoj Zizek},
  year   = {2020},
  url    = {https://www.rt.com/op-ed/488650-slavoj-zizek-schmidt-cuomo-matrix/},

% https://7amleh.org/storage/Israel%E2%80%99s%20Surveillance%20Industry%20english4.pdf
  title     = "Israel’s Surveillance Industry and Human Rights: Impact on Palestinians and Worldwide",
  author    = "7amleh - The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media",
  year      = "2023",
  month     = "12",
  publisher = "7amleh - The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media",
  url       = "https://7amleh.org/2023/12/19/7amleh-center-issues-a-report-on-israel-s-surveillance-industry-and-its-impact-on-human-rights",

  title     = {Big other: surveillance capitalism and the prospects of an information civilization},
  author    = {Zuboff, Shoshana},
  year      = {2015},
  doi       = {10.1057/jit.2015.5},
  publisher = {Palgrave Publishers Ltd.},
  journal   = {Journal of Information Technology},
  issn      = {0268-3962,1466-4437},
  volume    = {30},
  issue     = {1},
  pages     = {75--89},
  url       = {http://doi.org/10.1057/jit.2015.5}

  title     = "Mass Surveillance and State Control: The Total Information Awareness Project",
  author    = "Cohen, Elliot D.",
  year      = "2010",
  publisher = "Palgrave Macmillan",
  isbn      = "0230103049,9780230103047",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "Blueprints Of NSA's Ridiculously Expensive Data Center In Utah Suggest It Holds Less Info Than Thought",
  author    = "Kashmir Hill",
  year      = "2013",
  url       = "https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2013/07/24/blueprints-of-nsa-data-center-in-utah-suggest-its-storage-capacity-is-less-impressive-than-thought/?sh=701cc9807457",
  note      = "Acessado em 07/04/2024",

  title    = {Vernacular resistance to data collection and analysis: A political theory of obfuscation},
  author   = {Brunton, Finn and Nissenbaum, Helen},
  year     = {2011},
  journal  = {First Monday},
  number   = {5},
  month    = {Apr.},
  volume   = {16},
  url      = {https://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/3493},
  doi      = {10.5210/fm.v16i5.3493},
  abstract = {Computer-enabled data collection, aggregation, and mining dramatically change the nature of contemporary surveillance. Refusal is not a practical option, as data collection is an inherent condition of many essential societal transactions. We present one vernacular response to this regime of everyday surveillance, a tactic we call obfuscation. With a variety of possible motivations, actors engage in obfuscation by producing misleading, false, or ambiguous data with the intention of confusing an adversary or simply adding to the time or cost of separating bad data from good. Our paper develops a political theory of obfuscation, linking contemporary and historical cases to develop a descriptive account of obfuscation that is able to capture key commonalities in systems from radar chaff to BitTorrent.},