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% Spy

  title  = {Conspiracy as Governance},
  author = {Julian Assange},
  year   = {2006},
  url    = {https://web.archive.org/web/20070129125831/http://iq.org/conspiracies.pdf},

  title  = {Of Potholes and Foresight - The Road to Hanoi},
  author = {Julian Assange},
  year   = {2006},
  url    = {https://web.archive.org/web/20061207213935/https://www.counterpunch.org/assange12052006.html},

  title     = {A Produção de Informações Estratégicas},
  author    = {Washington Platt},
  publisher = {Biblioteca do Exército e Agir},
  isbn      = {},
  year      = {1974},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {The World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle for the the Third World},
  author    = {Christopher Andrew, Mitrokhin Vasili.},
  publisher = {Basic books},
  isbn      = {0465003117 9780465003112 0465003133 9780465003136},
  year      = {2005},
  url       = {https://archive.org/details/TheWorldWasGoingOurWayTheKGBAndTheBattleForTheTheThirdWorld/},

  title  = {La CIA en Chile (1970-1973)},
  author = {Carlos Basso Prieto},
  year   = {2013},
  url    = {https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18482047-la-cia-en-chile},

  title     = {The Search for the Manchurian Candidate The CIA and Mind Control},
  author    = {John Marks},
  publisher = {Times books},
  isbn      = {9780713912791,0713912790},
  year      = {1979},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {Later printing},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration},
  author    = {James Risen},
  publisher = {Free Press},
  isbn      = {0743270673,9780743270670},
  year      = {2006},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  author    = {Vitelio Brustolin; Dennison de Oliveira; Alcides Eduardo dos Reis Peron},
  title     = {Exploring the relationship between crypto AG and the CIA in the use of rigged encryption machines for espionage in Brazil},
  journal   = {Cambridge Review of International Affairs},
  volume    = {0},
  number    = {0},
  pages     = {1-34},
  year      = {2020},
  publisher = {Routledge},
  doi       = {10.1080/09557571.2020.1842328},
  url       = {https://doi.org/10.1080/09557571.2020.1842328},
  eprint    = {https://doi.org/10.1080/09557571.2020.1842328}

  title     = {The Ontological Status of Conspiracy Theory},
  author    = {Hakim Bey},
  year      = {sd},
  url       = {https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/hakim-bey-the-ontological-status-of-conspiracy-theory},

% https://repositorio.ufmg.br/handle/1843/ECIC-8H2J2B
  title     = {O papel informacional dos serviços secretos},
  author    =	{Vladimir de Paula Brito},
  year      = {2011},
  school    = {Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais},
  url       = {http://hdl.handle.net/1843/ECIC-8H2J2B},

  author    = {Victor Serge},
  title     = {O que todo revolucionário deve saber sobre repressão},
  year      = {1926},
  url       = {https://www.marxists.org/portugues/serge/1926/repressao_ga/index.htm},
  note      = {Acessado em 23/01/2021},

  title     = {Compromised},
  author    = {Peter Strzok},
  publisher = {HMH Books},
  isbn      = {9780358237532},
  year      = {2020},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Hacker States},
  author    = {Follis, Luca; Fish, Adam;; Adam Fish},
  publisher = {MIT Press},
  isbn      = {1825789394,1495042636,1530535635,1770977586,1551377552},
  year      = {2020},
  series    = {The Information Society Series},
  edition   = {First Edition},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {The Codebreakers: The Story Of Secret Writing},
  author    = {David Kahn},
  publisher = {The Macmillan Company},
  isbn      = {0025604600, 9780025604605, 0297767852, 9780297767855},
  year      = {1967},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {1st Editon},
  volume    = {},
  url       = {https://archive.org/details/codebreakerssto00kahn},

  title     = {The CodeBreakers},
  author    = {David Kahn},
  publisher = {Scribner},
  isbn      = {9780684831305,0684831309},
  year      = {1996},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {Rev Sub},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Quem pagou a conta? A CIA na Guerra Fria da Cultura},
  author    = {Frances Stonor Saunders},
  publisher = {Record},
  isbn      = {978-85-01-06771-5},
  year      = {2008},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthashastra#On_spying,_propaganda_and_information
% https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artaxastra
% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthashastra
% https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Arthashastra
  title     = {King, Governance and Law in Ancient India: Kauṭilya’s Arthaśāstra},
  author    = {Kauṭilya; Patrick Olivelle},
  publisher = {Oxford University Press, USA},
  isbn      = {0199891826,9780199891825},
  year      = {2013},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {Hardcover},
  volume    = {},

  title  = {Arthashastra},
  author = {Kautilya},
  year   = {2013},
  url    = {https://archive.org/details/Arthasastra_English_Translation},