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Metaphysical Foundations of Modal Semantics", author = "Stalnaker, Robert C.", year = "2012", publisher = "Princeton University Press", isbn = "9780691147123", series = "", edition = "", volume = "", url = "", } % https://teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8133/tde-14022017-101122/pt-br.php % https://filosofia.fflch.usp.br/sites/filosofia.fflch.usp.br/files/posgraduacao/defesas/2016_docs/2016_leonardo_masaro.pdf @phdthesis{masaro2016, title = "Um outro fim de mundo é possível: energia, entropia e o colapso da civilização industrial", author = "Masaro, Leonardo", year = "2016", school = "Universidade de São Paulo", url = "https://repositorio.usp.br/item/002829148", } % Seems like an alternative version is available at https://archive.org/details/VisionOfThePast @book{chardin1966, title = "The vision of the past", author = "Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre", year = "1966", translator = "J. M. Cohen", publisher = "Harper \& Row", url = "https://archive.org/details/visionofpast00teil", } @book{chardin1966b, title = "La visión del passado", author = "Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre", year = "1966", translator = "Carmen Castro", url = "https://archive.org/details/teilhard-de-chardin-pierre.-la-vision-del-pasado-ocr-1966", } @book{chardin1966c, title = "The vision of the past", author = "Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre", year = "1966", translator = "J. M. Cohen", publisher = "Collins", url = "https://archive.org/details/visionofpast0000teil", } @book{barata2018, title = "E se parássemos de sobreviver? Pequeno livro para pensar e agir contra a ditadura do tempo", author = "André Barata", year = "2018", publisher = "Sistema Solar CRL (Documenta)", url = "https://www.sistemasolar.pt/pt/produto/386/pt/e-se-parassemos-de-sobreviver-pequeno-livro-para-pensar-e-agir-contra-a-ditadura-do-tempo/", } @book{foucault1998, title = "Microfísica do Poder", author = "Foucault, Michel", year = "1998", publisher = "Graal", isbn = "", series = "", edition = "13", volume = "", url = "", } @inbook{pasternak1993, title = "Do Caos à Inteligência Artificial", author = "Pessis-Pasternak, Guitta", year = "1993", publisher = "Ed. UNESP", isbn = "85-7139-040-1", }