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% Neuroscience

  title     = {Muito além do nosso eu – A nova neurociência que une cérebro e maquinas – e como ela pode mudar nossas vidas},
  author    = {Miguel Nicolelis},
  publisher = {Companhia das Letras},
  isbn      = {8535918736,9788535918731},
  year      = {2011},
  edition   = {1ª},

  title   = {O Cérebro Relativístico - Como ele funciona e por que ele não pode ser simulado por uma maquina de Turing},
  author  = {Miguel Nicolelis; Ronald Cicurel},
  isbn    = {151463810X,9781514638101},
  year    = {2015},
  edition = {1ª},

  title  = "IA não é inteligência e sim marketing para explorar trabalho humano, diz Nicolelis",
  author = "Miguel Nicolelis and Pedro S. Teixeira",
  year   = "2023",
  month  = "07",
  url    = "https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/tec/2023/07/ia-nao-e-inteligencia-e-sim-marketing-para-explorar-trabalho-humano-diz-nicolelis.shtml",

  title     = {Por que apenas nós? Linguagem e evolução},
  author    = {Chomsky, Noam; Berwick, Robert C.},
  publisher = {Editora Unesp},
  year      = {2017},
  isbn      = {978-85-393-0701-2},

  doi       = {10.1179/174327908x392861},
  title     = {Drawing into abstraction. Practices of observation and visualisation in the work of Santiago Ramón y Cajal},
  author    = {de Rijcke, Sarah},
  publisher = {Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining},
  journal   = {Interdisciplinary Science Reviews},
  issn      = {0308-0188},
  year      = {2008},
  volume    = {33},
  issue     = {4},
  pages     = {287--311},

  title     = {The Organization of Behavior: A Neuropsychological Theory},
  author    = {D.O. Hebb},
  publisher = {},
  isbn      = {0805843000,9780805843002,9781410612403},
  year      = {2002},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {New edition},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {The Rag and Bone Shop},
  author    = {Veronica O'Keane},
  publisher = {Penguin Books Ltd},
  isbn      = {9780141991023},
  year      = {2021},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {First},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {A Sense of Self: Memory, the Brain, and Who We Are},
  author    = {Veronica O'Keane},
  publisher = {W. W. Norton \& Company},
  isbn      = {9780393541939,9780393541922},
  year      = {2021},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title    = {The entropic brain - revisited},
  author   = {Robin L. Carhart-Harris},
  journal  = {Neuropharmacology},
  volume   = {142},
  pages    = {167-178},
  year     = {2018},
  note     = {Psychedelics: New Doors, Altered Perceptions},
  issn     = {0028-3908},
  doi      = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropharm.2018.03.010},
  url      = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0028390818301175},
  keywords = {Psychedelics, Serotonin, Criticality, 5-HT2A, Depression, Entropy},
  abstract = {The entropic brain hypothesis proposes that within upper and lower limits, after which consciousness may be lost, the entropy of spontaneous brain activity indexes the informational richness of conscious states. Here the hypothesis is revisited four years on from its original publication. It is shown that the principle that the entropy of brain activity is elevated in the psychedelic state is increasingly well supported by separate and independent studies and analyses, and evidence for greater brain criticality under psychedelics is also highlighted. It is argued that heightened brain criticality enables the brain to be more sensitive to intrinsic and extrinsic perturbations which may translate as a heightened susceptibility to “set” and “setting”. This updated version of the original entropic brain hypothesis now offers more concrete information on specific measures of brain entropy and suggests new studies to scrutinise it further, as well as examine its utility for describing and informing the treatment of psychiatric and neurological conditions such as depression and disorders of consciousness. This article is part of the Special Issue entitled ‘Psychedelics: New Doors, Altered Perceptions’.},

  title   = {Whole Brain Emulation - A Roadmap},
  author  = {Anders Sandberg and Nick Bostrom},
  year    = {2008},
  url     = {http://www.fhi.ox.ac.uk/brain-emulation-roadmap-report.pdf},
  journal = {Technical Report},
  issue   = {2008-3},
  school  = {Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford University},

  title     = "Elogio della lentezza",
  author    = "Maffei, Lamberto",
  year      = "2014",
  publisher = "Il Mulino",
  isbn      = "9788815252753,9788815321619",
  series    = "Voci",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = ""

  title     = "Elogio da lentidão",
  author    = "Lamberto Maffei",
  year      = "2014",
  publisher = "Edições 70",
  isbn      = "978-972-44-1938-1",

  title     = "Elogio della ribellione",
  author    = "Maffei, Lamberto",
  year      = "2016",
  publisher = "Il Mulino",
  isbn      = "9788815263407,9788815330864",
  series    = "Voci",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = ""