% Encoding: UTF-8 % % Literature % @book{pindar1997, title = {Olympian Odes. Pythian Odes (Loeb Classical Library) (v. 1)}, author = {Pindar}, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, isbn = {0674995643,9780674995642}, year = {1997}, series = {Loeb Classical Library 56}, edition = {annotated edition}, volume = {}, } @book{pindar2007, title = {The Complete Odes (Oxford World's Classics)}, author = {Pindar, Stephen Instone, Anthony Verity}, publisher = {Oxford University Press, USA}, isbn = {0192805533,9780192805539,9780191517174}, year = {2007}, series = {Oxford World's Classics}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{smyth1900, title = {Greek melic poets}, author = {Herbert Weir Smyth}, publisher = {London Macmillan}, year = {1900}, url = {https://archive.org/details/greekmelicpoets00smytuoft}, } @book{cortazar2019, title = {O jogo da amarelinha}, author = {Julio Cortázar}, publisher = {Companhia das Letras}, isbn = {9788554513887}, year = {2019}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{cortazar2014, title = {Historias de cronopios y de famas}, author = {Cortázar, Julio}, publisher = {Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial España}, isbn = {}, year = {2014}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } % Another translation: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0136%3Abook%3D11%3Acard%3D97 @book{homero2014, title = {Odisseia}, author = {Homero}, publisher = {Cosac Naify}, isbn = {9788540508590}, year = {2014}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, translator = {Christian Werner}, } @book{orwell2009, title = {1984]}, author = {George Orwell}, publisher = {Companhia das Letras}, isbn = {8535914846,9788535914849}, year = {2009}, series = {}, edition = {Paperback}, volume = {}, } @book{lem1974, title = {The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age}, author = {Stanislaw Lem}, publisher = {The Seabury Press}, isbn = {}, year = {1974}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{baradit2013, title = {Synco}, author = {Jorge Baradit}, publisher = {}, isbn = {}, year = {2013}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {1}, } @book{kesey1963, title = {One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest}, author = {Ken Kesey}, publisher = {}, isbn = {0451163966,9780451163967,1429535962}, year = {1963}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{condon1959, title = {The Manchurian Candidate}, author = {Richard Condon}, publisher = {}, isbn = {}, year = {1959}, series = {}, edition = {First Edition}, volume = {}, } @book{drummond2013, title = {Contos Plausíveis}, author = {Carlos Drummond de Andrade}, publisher = {Companhia das Letras}, isbn = {}, year = {2013}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{shaw1972, title = {Pigmalião}, author = {George Bernard Shaw}, publisher = {Verbo}, year = {1972}, } % Fate and chance: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/9781118351222.wbegt9996 @book{roisman2013, title = {The encyclopedia of Greek tragedy}, author = {Hanna Roisman}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, isbn = {1444335928,9781444335927}, year = {2013}, series = {}, edition = {1}, volume = {}, url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781118351222} } @inbook{poe1981, booktitle = {Histórias Extraordinárias}, title = {O Jogador de Xadrez de Maelzel}, author = {Edgar Allan Poe}, publisher = {Abril Cultural}, isbn = {}, year = {1981}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{rimbaud2002, title = {Le Bateau ivre, et autres poemes}, author = {Arthur Rimbaud}, publisher = {}, isbn = {2290314706,9782290314708}, year = {2002}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{rimbaud1996, title = {Poesías completas [bilingual]}, author = {Rimbaud, Arthur; Javier del Prado (ed.,trans.)}, publisher = {Cátedra}, isbn = {9788437614656,8437614651}, year = {1996}, series = {Letras Universales 244}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{mallarme1914, title = {Un coup de dés jamaisn'abolira le hasard}, author = {Stéphane Mallarmé}, year = {1914}, publisher = {Gallicalabs.bnf.fr / Bibliothèque nationale de Franc}, url = {https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e1/Un_coup_de_d%C3%A9s.pdf}, } @inbook{mallarme1991, booktitle = {Mallarmé}, title = {Um lance de dados jamais abolirá o acaso}, author = {Mallarmé, Stéphane; de Campos, Haroldo}, publisher = {Perspectiva}, isbn = {}, year = {1991}, series = {}, edition = {3ª}, volume = {}, } @inbook{ellison1972, title = {I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream}, booktitle = {Alone Against Tomorrow}, author = {Harlan Ellison}, publisher = {}, isbn = {0020197802,9780020197805}, year = {1972}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } % Tradução de Francisco da Rocha Filho, pág. 192: @book{conrad1985, title = {A Força do Acaso ou Chance}, author = {Joseph Conrad}, publisher = {Editora Marco Zero}, year = {1985}, } @book{voltaire, title = {Cândido}, author = {Voltaire}, publisher = {Ediouro}, isbn = {}, year = {sd}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{exupery2009, title = {O Pequeno Príncipe}, author = {Antoine de Saint-Exupéry}, publisher = {Agir}, year = {2009}, isbn = {978.85-220-0523-9}, edition = {48}, } @inbook{poe1923, booktitle = {Tales of mystery and imagination}, title = {A Descent Into The Maelström}, author = {Edgar Allan Poe}, year = {1923}, publisher = {London: G. G. Harrup; New York: Brentano's}, url = {https://archive.org/details/talesofmysteryim01poee}, } @inbook{assis2013, booktitle = {A causa secreta e outros contos de horror}, title = {A causa sectreta}, author = {Machado de Assis}, publisher = {Companhia das Letras}, isbn = {978-85-8086-806-7}, year = {2013}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } %author = {Edgar Allan Poe; Machado de Assis; Bram Stoker; Guy de Maupassant; Robert Louis Stevenson & Arthur Conan Doyle}, @inbook{assis2013, booktitle = {A causa secreta e outros contos de horror}, title = {A causa sectreta}, author = {Machado de Assis}, publisher = {Companhia das Letras}, isbn = {978-85-8086-806-7}, year = {2013}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{roazen2000, title = {Fortune’s faces : the Roman de la Rose and the poetics of contingency}, author = {Daniel Heller-Roazen}, publisher = {Johns Hopkins University}, isbn = {}, year = {2000}, series = {PhD Dissertation}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{lorris2003, title = {Fortune's faces: the Roman de la Rose and the poetics of contingency}, author = {Heller-Roazen, Daniel; de Lorris Guillaume, Guillaume de Lorris}, publisher = {Johns Hopkins University Press}, isbn = {0-8018-7191-3,9780801871917,9780801881558,0801881552}, year = {2003}, series = {Parallax: Re-Visions of Culture and Society}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{rosa2018, title = {Grande Sertão: Veredas}, author = {João Guimarães Rosa}, publisher = {Companhia das Letras}, isbn = {8535931988,9788535931983}, year = {2018}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{borges1999, title = {Manual de zoologia fantastica}, author = {Jorge Luis Borges}, publisher = {Fondo de Cultura Económica}, isbn = {968-16-0404-0}, year = {1999}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } % https://www.edusp.com.br/livros/zoologia-fantastica-do-brasil/ @book{taunay, title = {Zoologia Fantastica do Brasil}, author = {Taunay, Afonso d'Escragnolle}, publisher = {Melhoramentos}, isbn = {}, year = {sd}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, url = {https://digital.bbm.usp.br/handle/bbm/7042} } @book{rosa2014, title = {Primeiras estórias}, author = {João Guimarães Rosa}, publisher = {Nova Fronteira}, isbn = {}, year = {2014}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{tchapek2010, title = {A Fábrica de Robôs}, author = {Karel Tchápek}, year = {2010}, publisher = {Editora Hedra}, isbn = {978-85-7715-161-5}, } @book{rucker1987, title = {Software}, author = {Rudy Rucker}, publisher = {Avon Books}, isbn = {0380701774,9780380701773,0441774083,9780441774081}, year = {1987}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{aristophanes2008, title = {Frogs}, author = {Aristophanes, Translated by Ian Johnston}, publisher = {Richer Resources Publications}, isbn = {0979757142,9780979757143}, year = {2008}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{aristophanes1993, title = {Frogs}, author = {Aristophanes, Sir Kenneth Dover}, publisher = {Oxford University Press, USA}, isbn = {0198147732,9780198147732}, year = {1993}, series = {Clarendon commentaries on Aristophanes}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{silva2011, title = {El estilo literario de Marx}, author = {Silva, Ludovico}, publisher = {Siglo XXI}, isbn = {9789682302565,9682302560}, year = {2011}, series = {}, edition = {4a. ed.}, volume = {}, } @book{campbell1982, title = {Greek Lyric: Sappho and Alcaeus}, author = {David A. Campbell}, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, isbn = {9780674991576,0674991575}, year = {1982}, series = {Loeb Classical Library No. 142}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } % Conference: I Congresso Internacional de Religião, Mito e Magia no Mundo % Antigo & IX Fórum de Debates em História AntigaAt: Rio de JaneiroVolume: I e IX % Federal University of Rio de Janeiro @article{silva2010, title = {Thymós e psykhé nas obras homéricas}, author = {Bruna Moraes da Silva}, publisher = {}, journal = {}, issn = {}, year = {2010}, volume = {}, issue = {}, pages = {}, url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263855317_THYMOS_E_PSYKHE_NAS_OBRAS_HOMERICAS} } @book{coupland2004, title = {Microserfs}, author = {Douglas Coupland}, publisher = {HarperPerennial}, isbn = {0007179812,9780007179817}, year = {2004}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @inbook{asimov2018, title = {A última pergunta}, booktitle = {Os melhores contos de Isaac Asimov}, author = {Isaac Asimov}, year = {2018}, series = {Coleção Melhores Contos}, edition = {1}, isbn = {9788583862321}, } @misc{asimov, title = {The Last Question}, author = {Isaac Asimov}, url = {https://templatetraining.princeton.edu/sites/training/files/the_last_question_-_issac_asimov.pdf}, year = {sd}, } @inbook{asimov1956, title = {The Last Question}, booktitle = {Science Fiction Quarterly}, author = {Isaac Asimov}, pages = {6--15}, volume = {4}, issue = {5}, month = {9}, year = {1956}, publisher = {Columbia Publications Inc.}, url = {https://archive.org/stream/Science_Fiction_Quarterly_New_Series_v04n05_1956-11_slpn#page/n5/mode/2up}, }