% Encoding: UTF-8 % % Lexicon % @book{beekes2010, title = {Etymological Dictionary of Greek (vols. 1 \& 2)}, author = {Beekes, Robert Steven Paul; Lucien van Beek}, publisher = {Brill}, isbn = {9004174184,9789004174184}, year = {2010}, series = {Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series, Vol. 10}, edition = {Bilingual}, volume = {}, } @book{glare1968, title = {Oxford Latin Dictionary}, author = {Glare, P.G.W.}, publisher = {Clarendon press}, isbn = {}, year = {1968}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{glare1983, title = {Oxford Latin Dictionary}, author = {Glare, P. G. W.}, publisher = {OUP}, isbn = {0198642245,9780198642244}, year = {1983}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{liddell1996, title = {A Greek-English lexicon}, author = {H. G. Liddell; R. Scott; H. S. Jones; R. McKenzie}, publisher = {Clarendon Press}, isbn = {0198642261,9780198642268}, year = {1996}, series = {}, edition = {9th revised edition}, volume = {}, } @book{nascentes1955, title = {Dicionário Etimológico da Língua Portuguesa}, author = {Antenor Nascentes}, publisher = {Francisco Alves}, isbn = {}, year = {1955}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{williams1872, title = {A Sanskrit-English dictionary, etymologically and philologically arranged, with special reference to Greek, Latin, Gothic, German, Anglo-Saxon, and other cognate Indo-European languages}, author = {Monier-Williams, Sir}, year = {1872}, publisher = {Oxford Clarendon Press}, url = {https://archive.org/details/1872sanskriten00moniuoft/}, } @book{williams1960, title = {A Sanskrit-English Dictionary: Etymologically and Philologically Arranged With Special Reference to Cognate Indo-European Languages}, author = {Monier-Williams, Sir}, publisher = {Oxford Clarendon Press}, isbn = {}, year = {1960}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, url = {https://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de}, } @book{macdonnell1893, title = {Sanskrit-English.Dictionary}, author = {MacDonell, A.A.}, publisher = {Clarendon press}, isbn = {}, year = {1893}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{schlerath1997, title = {Sanskrit Vocabulary: Arranged According to Word Families With Meanings in English, German and Spanish}, author = {Bernfried Schlerath}, publisher = {Brill Academic Pub}, isbn = {9004061088,9789004061088}, year = {1997}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{durkin2009, title = {The Oxford Guide to Etymology}, author = {Philip Durkin}, publisher = {Oxford University Press, USA}, isbn = {0199236518,9780199236510}, year = {2009}, series = {}, edition = {1st}, volume = {}, } @book{magalhaes1960, title = {Dicionário Português-Latim}, author = {F. Magalhães}, publisher = {Editora Lesp. S.A.}, isbn = {}, year = {1960}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{torrinha1942, title = {Dicionário Português-Latim}, author = {Francisco Torrinha}, publisher = {Porto Editora}, isbn = {}, year = {1942}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{hoad2002, title = {The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology}, author = {Hoad, T. F}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, isbn = {0192830988,9780192830982}, year = {2002}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{short1891, title = {The new Latin Dictionary}, author = {Lewis \& Short}, publisher = {Harper \& brothers}, isbn = {}, year = {1891}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } % url = {http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3atext%3a1999.04.0073}, @book{autenrieth1895, title = {Homeric Dictionary}, author = {Autenrieth, Georg}, publisher = {Harper and Brothers}, isbn = {}, year = {1895}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, url = {http://perseus.uchicago.edu/Reference/Autenrieth.html}, } @book{peters1967, title = {Greek philosophical terms: A historical lexicon}, author = {F.E. Peters.}, publisher = {New York University Press}, isbn = {}, year = {1967}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{bello2013, title = {Origins of mathematical words: a comprehensive dictionary of Latin, Greek, and Arabic roots}, author = {Anthony Lo Bello}, publisher = {Johns Hopkins University Press}, isbn = {1421410982,9781421410982,1421410990,9781421410999}, year = {2013}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{major2020, title = {Ancient Greek for Everyone}, author = {Wilfred E. Major; Michael Laughy}, publisher = {Pressbooks}, url = {https://ancientgreek.pressbooks.com}, } @misc{sproviero1997, title = {Linguagem e Consciência - a voz média}, author = {Mário Bruno Sproviero; L. J. Lauand}, year = {1997}, url = {http://www.hottopos.com/mirand3/linguage.htm}, } @book{bello2007, title = {Forgotten Paths: Etymology and the Allegorical Mindset}, author = {Del Bello}, publisher = {The Catholic University of America Press}, isbn = {081321484X,9780813214849}, year = {2007}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{exercito-c20-1, title = {Glossário de termos e expressões para uso no Exército}, author = {Ministério da Defesa; Exército Brasileiro; Estado-maio do Exército}, year = {2009}, edition = {4}, url = {https://bdex.eb.mil.br/jspui/bitstream/123456789/298/1/C-20-1.pdf}, } @book{cledat1914, title = {Dictionnaire Etymologique de la Langue Française}, author = {Léon Clédat}, publisher = {Librairie Hachette et Cie}, isbn = {}, year = {1914}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } % % Grammar % @book{bechara2009, title = {Moderna Gramática Portuguesa}, author = {Evanildo Bechara}, publisher = {Editora Nova Fronteira}, isbn = {9788520930496}, year = {2009}, series = {}, edition = {37}, volume = {}, } @article{xavier2018, title = {Estudo formal dos verbos de ligação: natureza sintática e representação no módulo mental}, url = {http://periodicos.pucminas.br/index.php/cadernoscespuc/article/view/19175}, doi = {10.5752/P.2358-3231.n33p112-139}, abstract = {Com o presente estudo, buscou-se verificar a natureza sintática dos verbos de ligação e sua representação formal. A pesquisa motivou-se pelos pressupostos gerativistas (CHOMSKY, 1995 e posteriores) a fim de propor uma nova estrutura sintática para as sentenças com verbos de ligação. O trabalho inicia-se com uma descrição do processo de construção da natureza sintática dos verbos de ligação, uma vez que eles podem ser associados a sinônimos de verbos de alçamento, verbos de cópula e verbos inacusativos. Para se chegar a um conjunto de traços definidores dos verbos de ligação foram utilizados testes de gramaticalidade e testes de prototipicidade de inacusatividade. Quanto à representação sintática, este estudo propõe que sentenças copulativas abarquem um sintagma para small clause em detrimento do VP existente hoje e outro sintagma funcional para os verbos de ligação. Essa nova descrição estrutural leva em conta relações formais clássicas como c-seleção, s-seleção, atribuição de Caso e papel temático. Palavras-chave: Verbos de ligação. Small clause. Tipos verbais. Natureza sintática. Representação sintática.}, number = {33}, journal = {Cadernos CESPUC de Pesquisa Série Ensaios}, author = {Xavier, Gláucia do Carmo and Kenedy, Eduardo and Oliveira, Kelly de}, year = {2018}, month = {dez.}, pages = {112-139} } @masterthesis{oliveira2001, title = {As frases copulativas com ser: natureza e estrutura}, author = {Oliveira, Maria do Carmo Pereira}, year = {2001}, school = {Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10216/13058}, } % % Linguistics % @book{haegeman1994, title = {Introduction to Government and Binding Theory (Blackwell Textbooks in Linguistics)}, author = {Liliane Haegeman}, publisher = {}, isbn = {0631190678,9780631190677}, year = {1994}, series = {}, edition = {2}, volume = {}, } @book{cowper1992, title = {A Concise Introduction to Syntactic Theory: The Government-Binding Approach}, author = {Elizabeth A. Cowper}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, isbn = {0226116468,9780226116464}, year = {1992}, series = {}, edition = {1}, volume = {}, } @book{sells1985, title = {Lectures on contemporary syntactic theories: an introduction to government-binding theory, generalized phrase structure grammar, and lexical-functional grammar}, author = {Peter Sells}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, isbn = {0937073148,9780937073148,093707313X,9780937073131}, year = {1985}, series = {Center for the Study of Language and Information - CSLI Lecture Notes 3}, edition = {}, volume = {}, }