% Encoding: UTF-8 @book{stanovich2005, title = {The Robot's Rebellion: Finding Meaning in the Age of Darwin}, author = {Keith E. Stanovich}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, isbn = {0226771253,9780226771250,0226770893,9780226770895,9780226771199,0226771199}, year = {2005}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, note = {Não parece bom. Parece se nutrir das correntes de pensamento instrumentais e reducionistas da produção da verdade.}, } @book{searle1986, title = {Minds Brains and Science}, author = {John Searle}, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, isbn = {0674576330,9780674576339}, year = {1986}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{godfrey-smith2016, title = {Other Minds: The Octopus, The Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness}, author = {Peter Godfrey-Smith}, publisher = {Farrar, Straus, and Giroux}, isbn = {9780374712808}, year = {2016}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{jullien2015, title = {The Book of Beginnings}, author = {François Jullien, Jody Gladding}, publisher = {Yale University Press}, isbn = {0300204221,9780300204223}, year = {2015}, series = {The Margellos World Republic of Letters}, edition = {First Edition}, volume = {}, } @Book{barrie2020, title = {The Rules of Contagion: Why Things Spread - and Why They Stop}, publisher = {Wellcome Collection}, year = {2020}, author = {Adam Kucharski; Francesca Barrie}, isbn = {1788160193,9781788160193}, } % Segundo a Nahema, interessante debate sobre GAFA x Estado % "A hipótese dele é que o blá blá blá da singularidade tech serve pra ocultar um plano de poder das plataformas: acabar com a soberania" @book{ganascia2017, title = {Le mythe de la singularité : Faut-il craindre l’intelligence artificielle ?}, author = {Jean-Gabriel Ganascia}, publisher = {Seuil}, isbn = {9782021309997,2021309991}, year = {2017}, series = {Science ouverte}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{ganascia2007, title = {L'Intelligence artificielle}, author = {Jean-Gabriel Ganascia}, publisher = {Editions Le Cavalier Bleu}, isbn = {2846701652,9782846701655}, year = {2007}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{caillois2018, title = {The Sacred Conspiracy. The Internal Papers of the Secret Society of Acéphale and Lectures to the College of Sociology}, author = {Georges Bataille; Roger Caillois; Pierre Klossowski; Michel Leiris; Marina Galletti; Alastair Brotchie; Natasha Lehrer; John Harman; Meyer Barash; André Masson}, publisher = {Atlas Press}, isbn = {1900565951,9781900565950}, year = {2018}, series = {}, edition = {Hardcover}, volume = {}, } @book{vardoulakis2011-2, title = {Spinoza Now}, author = {Dimitris Vardoulakis, Christopher Norris, Alain Badiou, Simon Duffy, Justin Clemens, Michael Mack, Arthur Jacobson, Warren Montag}, publisher = {Univ Of Minnesota Press}, isbn = {0816672806,9780816672806,9780816672813}, year = {2011}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{vardoulakis2011, title = {Freedom and Confinement in Modernity: Kafka’s Cages}, author = {A. Kiarina Kordela, Dimitris Vardoulakis (eds.)}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan US}, isbn = {978-1-349-29526-5,978-0-230-11895-9}, year = {2011}, series = {Studies in European Culture and History}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @article{steffen2018, doi = {10.1073/pnas.1810141115}, title = {Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene}, author = {Steffen, Will; Rockström, Johan; Richardson, Katherine; Lenton, Timothy M.; Folke, Carl; Liverman, Diana; Summerhayes, Colin P.; Barnosky, Anthony D.; Cornell, Sarah E.; Crucifix, Michel; Donges, Jonathan F.; Fetzer, Ingo; Lade, Steven J.; Scheffer, Marten; Winkelmann, Ricarda; Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim}, publisher = {National Academy of Sciences}, journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}, issn = {0027-8424,1091-6490}, year = {2018}, volume = {115}, issue = {33}, pages = {8252--8259}, url = {http://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1810141115} } @article{elisabet2011, doi = {10.1007/s12138-011-0257-0}, title = {Page DuBois,Slavery: Antiquity and its Legacy,ser. Ancients and Moderns (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009), XI + 154}, author = {Elisabeth Herrmann-Otto}, publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, journal = {International Journal of the Classical Tradition}, issnp = {1073-0508}, issne = {1874-6292}, year = {2011}, month = {06}, volume = {18}, issue = {2}, page = {309--312}, } @article{goldhill2011, doi = {10.1086/659116}, title = {Out of Athens: The New Ancient Greeks.By Page duBois}, author = {Review by: Simon Goldhill}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, journal = {Classical Philology}, issn = {0009-837X,1546-072X}, year = {2011}, volume = {106}, issue = {1}, pages = {76--80}, url = {http://doi.org/10.1086/659116} } @article{dubois1984, doi = {10.2307/1316580}, title = {Sexual Difference: Ancient and Modern}, author = {Page duBois}, journal = {Pacific Coast Philology}, issn = {0078-7469}, year = {1984}, volume = {19}, issue = {1-2}, pages = {43--49}, url = {http://doi.org/10.2307/1316580} } @article{dubois1982, doi = {10.2307/1316389}, title = {The Homoerotics of the "Phaedrus"}, author = {Page Dubois}, journal = {Pacific Coast Philology}, issn = {0078-7469}, year = {1982}, volume = {17}, issue = {1-2}, pages = {9--15}, url = {http://doi.org/10.2307/1316389} } @article{mclure2005, doi = {10.1086/497864}, title = {Slaves and Other Objects By Page duBois}, author = {Review by: Laura McClure}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, journal = {Classical Philology}, issn = {0009-837X,1546-072X}, year = {2005}, volume = {100}, issue = {3}, pages = {281--284}, url = {http://doi.org/10.1086/497864} } @article{bubois2006, doi = {10.1086/505668}, title = {The History of the Impossible: Ancient Utopia}, author = {Page Dubois}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, journal = {Classical Philology}, issn = {0009-837X,1546-072X}, year = {2006}, volume = {101}, issue = {1}, pages = {1--14}, url = {http://doi.org/10.1086/505668} } @article{buckley1989, doi = {10.2307/1062688}, title = {Sowing the Body: Psychoanalysis and Ancient Representations of Womenby Page duBois}, author = {Review by: Jorunn Jacobsen Buckley}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, journal = {History of Religions}, issn = {0018-2710,1545-6935}, year = {1989}, volume = {29}, issue = {2}, pages = {191}, url = {http://doi.org/10.2307/1062688} } @article{dubois2002, doi = {10.2307/25069018}, title = {Tragedy || Ancient Tragedy and the Metaphor of Katharsis}, author = {Page duBois}, publisher = {John Hopkins University Press}, journal = {Theatre Journal}, issn = {0192-2882,1086-332X}, year = {2002}, volume = {54}, issue = {1}, pages = {19--24}, url = {http://doi.org/10.2307/25069018} }