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% History

  title     = {The City in History},
  author    = {Lewis Mumford},
  publisher = {Harcourt Brace Janovich, Inc.},
  isbn      = {},
  year      = {1961},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Technics and Civilization},
  author    = {Lewis Mumford},
  publisher = {Routledge \& Kegan Paul PLC},
  isbn      = {0710018703,9780710018700},
  year      = {1934},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = "The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II: Volume I",
  author    = "Fernand Braudel",
  publisher = "University of California Press",
  isbn      = "0002115360,9780520203082,9780060905668,9780060104528,9780002115360,006010452X,0060905662,0520203089",
  year      = "1972",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "1",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "On History",
  author    = "Fernand Braudel",
  publisher = "University of Chicago Press",
  isbn      = "0226071510,9780226071510",
  year      = "1982",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "O Mediterrâneo e o Mundo Mediterrâneo na Época de Filipe II",
  author    = "Fernand Braudel",
  publisher = "Martins Fontes",
  isbn      = "",
  year      = "1983",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "1",
  url       = "",

  title     = "O Mediterrâneo e o Mundo Mediterrâneo na Época de Filipe II",
  author    = "Fernand Braudel",
  publisher = "Martins Fontes",
  isbn      = "",
  year      = "1984",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "2",
  url       = "",

  title     = "The Mediterranean: The Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II",
  author    = "Fernand Braudel",
  publisher = "University of California Press",
  isbn      = "",
  year      = "1996",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "2",
  url       = "",

  title     = {Memory and the Mediterranean},
  author    = {Fernand Braudel},
  publisher = {Knopf},
  isbn      = {0375404260},
  year      = {2001},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {O 18 Brumário de Luís Bonaparte},
  author    = {Karl Marx},
  publisher = {Boitempo},
  isbn      = {},
  year      = {2011},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Cybernetic revolutionaries: technology and politics in Allende's Chile},
  author    = {Medina, Eden},
  publisher = {The MIT Press},
  isbn      = {0262016494,978-0-262-01649-0,9780262297387,0262297388,9780262298292,0262298295},
  year      = {2011},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {0},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {A Revolução Cybersyn - Cinco lições de um projeto de computação socialista no Chile de Salvador Allende.},
  author    = {Medina, Eden},
  publisher = {},
  year      = {2015},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {0},
  volume    = {},
  url       = {https://ominhocario.wordpress.com/2017/03/31/a-revolucao-cybersyn/},
  note       = {Acessado em 2019-08-30. Versão original em https://www.jacobinmag.com/2015/04/allende-chile-beer-medina-cybersyn/},

  title     = {Ministério do Silêncio},
  publisher = {Editora Record},
  year      = {2005},
  author    = {Lucas Figueiredo},

% http://bdtd.ibict.br/vufind/Record/UNSP_f82205ec84f4a41eb486ec2adebfcc0c
% https://repositorio.unesp.br/handle/11449/91049
  title  = {Perspectivas históricas da pesquisa operacional},
  author = {Chaves, Viviane Hengler Corrêa},
  school = {Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)},
  year   = {2011},
  url    = {http://hdl.handle.net/11449/91049},

  title     = {The Origins Of Feedback Control},
  author    = {Otto Mayr},
  publisher = {The MIT Press},
  year      = {1970},
  url       = {https://archive.org/details/TheOriginsOfFeedbackControlOttoMayr},
  isbn      = {26213067X, 262630354},

  title     = {The Origins of Feedback Control},
  author    = {Mayr, Otto},
  publisher = {Nature Publishing Group},
  journal   = {Scientific American},
  doi       = {10.1038/scientificamerican1070-110},
  issn      = {0036-8733},
  year      = {1970},
  volume    = {223},
  issue     = {4},
  pages     = {110--118},
  url       = {http://doi.org/10.1038/scientificamerican1070-110}

  title     = {Authority, liberty, \& automatic machinery in early modern Europe},
  author    = {Otto Mayr},
  publisher = {Johns Hopkins University Press},
  isbn      = {9780801828430,0801828430,9780801839399,0801839394},
  year      = {1986},
  series    = {Johns Hopkins studies in the history of technology new ser. no. 8.},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  doi       = {10.2307/229816},
  title     = {Maxwell and the Origins of Cybernetics},
  author    = {Otto Mayr},
  publisher = {University of Chicago Press},
  journal   = {Isis},
  issn      = {0021-1753,1545-6994},
  year      = {1971},
  volume    = {62},
  issue     = {4},
  pages     = {424--444},
  url       = {http://doi.org/10.2307/229816}

  doi       = {10.2307/3102276},
  title     = {Adam Smith and the Concept of the Feedback System: Economic Thought and Technology in 18th-Century Britain},
  author    = {Otto Mayr},
  publisher = {John Hopkins University Press},
  journal   = {Technology and Culture},
  issn      = {0040-165X,1097-3729},
  year      = {1971},
  volume    = {12},
  issue     = {1},
  pages     = {1--22},
  url       = {http://doi.org/10.2307/3102276}

  title     = {Historia secreta de Chile II (Spanish Edition)},
  author    = {Jorge Baradit},
  publisher = {Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Chile},
  isbn      = {9789562624862},
  year      = {2016},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {2},

  title     = {Historia secreta de Chile},
  author    = {Jorge Baradit},
  publisher = {Penguin Random House},
  isbn      = {,},
  year      = {2016},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {1},

  title     = {Historia secreta de Chile II (Spanish Edition)},
  author    = {Jorge Baradit},
  publisher = {Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Chile},
  isbn      = {9789562624862},
  year      = {2016},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {2},

  title     = {Fórmula para o caos - A derrubada de Salvador Allende},
  author    = {Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira},
  year      = {2008},
  isbn      = {978-85-200-0722-8},
  publisher = {Civilização Brasileira},

  author = {CORFO},
  title  = {Historia de Corfo},
  note   = {Acessado em 15/07/2019},
  year   = {2019},
  url    = {https://www.corfo.cl/sites/cpp/movil/historiacorfo},

  title     = {The Theory That Would Not Die: How Bayes' Rule Cracked the Enigma Code, Hunted Down Russian Submarines, and Emerged Triumphant from Two Centuries of Controversy},
  author    = {Sharon Bertsch McGrayne},
  publisher = {Yale University Press},
  isbn      = {0300169698,9780300169690},
  year      = {2011},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {The Cylinder: Kinematics of the Nineteenth Century},
  author    = {Müller-Sievers, Helmut},
  year      = {2012},
  publisher = {University of California Press},
  isbn      = {9780520270770},

  title     = {Games, Gods \& Gambling: A History of Probability and Statistical Ideas},
  author    = {F. N. David},
  publisher = {Dover Publications},
  isbn      = {0486400239,9780486400235},
  year      = {1962},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {Unabridged},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {História do medo no Ocidente},
  publisher = {Companhia das Letras},
  year      = {2001},
  author    = {Delumeau, Jean},

  title      = {El miedo en Occidente: (siglos XIV-XVIII): una ciudad sitiada},
  author     = {Delumeau, Jean},
  translator = {Armiño, Mauro},
  reviewer   = {Gutiérrez, Francisco},
  publisher  = {Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial España},
  isbn       = {9788430622856,8430622853},
  year       = {2015},
  series     = {Clásicos radicales},
  edition    = {Primera edición: mayo de 2019},
  volume     = {},

  title     = {História do medo no ocidente 1300-1800},
  author    = {Jean Delumeau},
  publisher = {Companhia de Bolso},
  isbn      = {},
  year      = {2009},
  series    = {Cia. de Bolso},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

% https://www.edge.org/conversation/rebecca_newberger_goldstein-godel-and-the-nature-of-mathematical-truth
  title     = {Incompletude - A prova e o paradoxo de Kurt Gödel},
  author    = {Rebecca Goldstein},
  publisher = {Editora Companhia das Letras},
  isbn      = {978-85-359-1305-7},
  year      = {2008},
  series    = {Coleção Grandes Descobertas},
  edition   = {1ª},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Incompleteness - The Proof and Paradox of Kurt Godel},
  author    = {Rebecca Goldstein},
  publisher = {W. W. Norton \& Company},
  isbn      = {9780393051698,0393051692},
  year      = {2005},
  series    = {Great Discoveries},
  edition   = {1},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {O Livro dos Códigos},
  author    = {Simon Singh},
  year      = {2001},
  publisher = {Editora Record},
  isbn      = {85-01-05598-0},

  title     = {História},
  author    = {Heródoto},
  publisher = {Nova Fronteira},
  isbn      = {8520942938, 978-8520942932},
  year      = {2019},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Plutarch's Lives, Volume V: Agesilaus and Pompey. Pelopidas and Marcellus},
  author    = {Plutarch; Bernadotte Perrin (trans.)},
  publisher = {Harvard University Press; William Heinemann Ltd.},
  isbn      = {9780674990975,0674990978},
  year      = {1955},
  series    = {Loeb Classical Library},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {87},

  title     = {Leviathan and the air-pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the experimental life: including a translation of Thomas Hobbes, Dialogus physicus de natura aeris by Simon Schaffer},
  author    = {Steven Shapin, Simon Schaffer, Thomas Hobbes},
  publisher = {Princeton University Press},
  isbn      = {0691083932,9780691083933},
  year      = {1985},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Leviathan and the Air-Pump},
  author    = {Steven Shapin, Simon Schaffer},
  publisher = {},
  isbn      = {0691024324,9780691024325,9780691083933,0691083932},
  year      = {1989},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {The Art of Memory (Frances Yates: Selected Works)},
  author    = {F A Yates},
  publisher = {Routledge},
  isbn      = {0415220467},
  year      = {1999},
  series    = {Frances Yates: Selected Works},
  edition   = {1},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation},
  author    = {Edwin Black},
  publisher = {},
  isbn      = {9780609808993,0609808990,9780609607992,0609607995},
  year      = {2002},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {IBM and the Holocaust (An annotated review)},
  author    = {Silvio Rhatto},
  year      = {2018},
  url       = {https://blog.fluxo.info/books/history/ibm-holocaust/},
  note      = {Acessado em 23/04/2024},

  title     = {God’s jury: The inquisition and the making of the modern world},
  author    = {Cullen Murphy},
  publisher = {Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing},
  isbn      = {0547844581, 9780547844589},
  year      = {2013},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  doi       = {10.1177/004839319802800308},
  title     = {Review Essay : Lefkowitz and the Afrocentric Question},
  author    = {Naddaf, G.},
  publisher = {Sage Publications},
  journal   = {Philosophy of the Social Sciences},
  issn      = {0048-3931,1552-7441},
  year      = {1998},
  volume    = {28},
  issue     = {3},
  pages     = {451--470},
  url       = {http://doi.org/10.1177/004839319802800308}

  title     = {Not out of Africa: how Afrocentrism became an excuse to teach myth as history},
  author    = {Mary R. Lefkowitz},
  publisher = {BasicBooks},
  isbn      = {046509838X,9780465098385},
  year      = {1997},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization: The Fabrication of Ancient Greece, 1785-1985},
  author    = {Martin Bernal},
  publisher = {Rutgers Univ Pr},
  isbn      = {081351276X,9780813512761},
  year      = {1987},
  series    = {Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization One},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization: Vol. II - The Archaeological and Documentary Evidence},
  author    = {Martin Bernal},
  publisher = {Rutgers Univ Pr},
  isbn      = {0813515831,9780813515830},
  year      = {1991},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Black Athena revisited},
  author    = {Mary R. Lefkowitz, Guy MacLean Rogers},
  publisher = {University of North Carolina Press},
  isbn      = {0807845558,9780807845554},
  year      = {1996},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {A história oculta da fofoca - mulheres, caça às bruxas e resistência ao patriarcado},
  author    = {Silvia Federici},
  publisher = {Boitempo},
  isbn      = {},
  year      = {2019},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {The Human Motor: Energy, Fatigue, and the Origins of Modernity},
  author    = {Anson Rabinbach},
  publisher = {Basic Books},
  isbn      = {0465031307},
  year      = {1990},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Ur-Fascism},
  author    = {Umberto Eco},
  year      = {1995},
  url       = {https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/umberto-eco-ur-fascism.pdf},

  title     = {The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood},
  author    = {James Gleick},
  publisher = {Pantheon},
  isbn      = {9780375423727},
  year      = {2011},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Chaos: Making a New Science},
  author    = {James Gleick},
  publisher = {Penguin (Non-Classics)},
  isbn      = {0140092501,9780140092509},
  year      = {1988},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {1st},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Chaos: making a new science},
  author    = {Gleick, James},
  publisher = {The Folio Society},
  isbn      = {},
  year      = {2015},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Database of Dreams: The Lost Quest to Catalog Humanity},
  author    = {Rebecca Lemov},
  publisher = {Yale University Press},
  isbn      = {0300209525,9780300209525},
  year      = {2015},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {The History of Chemistry},
  author    = {John Hudson},
  publisher = {Springer US},
  isbn      = {978-1-4684-6443-6,978-1-4684-6441-2},
  year      = {1992},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {1},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Decline of the West},
  author    = {Oswald Spengler},
  publisher = {Random Shack},
  isbn      = {},
  year      = {2016},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {1 \& 2},

  title     = {A Decadência do Ocidente},
  author    = {Oswald Spengler},
  publisher = {Zahar},
  isbn      = {},
  year      = {1973},
  series    = {Biblioteca de Cultura Histórica},
  edition   = {2ª},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason},
  author    = {Michel Foucault},
  publisher = {Vintage},
  isbn      = {067972110X,9780679721109},
  year      = {1988},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {1},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Something Torn and New: An African Renaissance},
  author    = {Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o},
  publisher = {},
  isbn      = {0465009468,9780465009466},
  year      = {2009},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {First Edition},
  volume    = {},
  url       = {https://www.sahistory.org.za/sites/default/files/archive-files/ngugi_wa_thiongo_something_torn_and_new_an_afrbook4you.org_.pdf},

  title  = {Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o Interview: Memories of Who We Are},
  author = {Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o},
  year   = {2015},
  url    = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYP9sJvDcYE},

  title     = {The Many-Headed Hydra: The Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic},
  author    = {Marcus Rediker, Peter Linebaugh},
  publisher = {Beacon Press},
  isbn      = {0807050075,9780807050071},
  year      = {2001},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Villains of All Nations: Atlantic Pirates in the Golden Age},
  author    = {Marcus Rediker},
  publisher = {Beacon Press},
  isbn      = {0807050245,9780807050248},
  year      = {2004},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {0},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {The Slave Ship: A Human History},
  author    = {Marcus Rediker},
  publisher = {Penguin Books},
  isbn      = {0143114255,9780143114253},
  year      = {2008},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {Reprint},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Outlaws of the Atlantic: Sailors, Pirates, and Motley Crews in the Age of Sail},
  author    = {Marcus Rediker},
  publisher = {Beacon Press},
  isbn      = {080703309X,9780807033098},
  year      = {2014},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

  title     = {Sublime Dreams of Living Machines: The Automaton in the European Imagination},
  author    = {Minsoo Kang},
  publisher = {Harvard University Press},
  isbn      = {0674049357,9780674049352},
  year      = {2011},
  series    = {},
  edition   = {},
  volume    = {},

% author = {José Carlos Dias and José Paulo Cavalcanti Filho and Maria Rita Kehl and Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro and Pedro Bohomoletz de Abreu Dallari and Rosa Maria Cardoso da Cunha},
  title  = {Comissão Nacional da Verdade - Relatório - Volume I},
  author = {Comissão Nacional da Verdade},
  year   = {2014},
  volume = {1},
  isbn   = {978-85-85142-63-6,978-85-85142-64-3},
  url    = {http://cnv.memoriasreveladas.gov.br},

% author = {José Carlos Dias and José Paulo Cavalcanti Filho and Maria Rita Kehl and Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro and Pedro Bohomoletz de Abreu Dallari and Rosa Maria Cardoso da Cunha},
  title  = {Comissão Nacional da Verdade - Relatório - Volume II},
  author = {Comissão Nacional da Verdade},
  year   = {2014},
  volume = {2},
  isbn   = {978-85-85142-63-6,978-85-85142-64-3},
  url    = {http://cnv.memoriasreveladas.gov.br},

% author = {José Carlos Dias and José Paulo Cavalcanti Filho and Maria Rita Kehl and Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro and Pedro Bohomoletz de Abreu Dallari and Rosa Maria Cardoso da Cunha},
  title  = {Comissão Nacional da Verdade - Relatório - Volume III},
  author = {Comissão Nacional da Verdade},
  year   = {2014},
  volume = {3},
  isbn   = {978-85-85142-63-6,978-85-85142-64-3},
  url    = {http://cnv.memoriasreveladas.gov.br},

  author    = "Michael D. Gordin",
  title     = "The Pseudoscience Wars: Immanuel Velikovsky and the Birth of the Modern Fringe",
  publisher = "University of Chicago Press",
  isbn      = "0226304426, 9780226304427",
  year      = "2012",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right",
  author    = "Jane Mayer",
  publisher = "Doubleday",
  isbn      = "0385535597, 9780385535595",
  year      = "2016",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  author    = "Donal Jeffries",
  title     = "Crimes And Cover-ups In American Politics: 1776–1963",
  publisher = "Skyhorse",
  isbn      = "151074147X, 9781510741478",
  year      = "2019",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "Hardcover",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "A People's History of Science: Miners, Midwives, and Low Mechanicks",
  author    = "Clifford D. Conner",
  publisher = "Nation Books",
  isbn      = "1560257482,9781560257486",
  year      = "2005",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "In the Shadow of the Gods: The Emperor in World History",
  author    = "Lieven, Dominic",
  publisher = "Viking",
  isbn      = "9780735222212,9780735222199",
  year      = "2022",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  author    = "Bevins, Vincent",
  title     = "The Jakarta Method",
  publisher = "PublicAffairs",
  isbn      = "2019046069,9781541742406,9781541724013",
  year      = "2020",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "Colapso: como as sociedades escolhem o fracasso ou o sucesso",
  author    = "Jared Diamond",
  year      = "2007",
  publisher = "Editora Record",
  isbn      = "8501065943",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "O colapso da modernização - Da derrocada do socialismo de caserna à crise da economia mundial",
  author    = "Kurz, Robert",
  year      = "1999",
  publisher = "Paz e Terra",
  isbn      = "",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future",
  author    = "Riane Eisler",
  year      = "1988",
  publisher = "HarperOne",
  isbn      = "",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "Sapiens: a brief history of humankind",
  author    = "Harari, Yuval Noah",
  year      = "2015",
  publisher = "HarperCollins",
  isbn      = "9780062316097,0062316095,9780062316110,0062316117",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "First U.S. edition",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "Sapiens: Uma breve história da humanidade",
  author    = "Harari, Yuval Noah",
  year      = "2020",
  publisher = "Companhia das Letras",
  isbn      = "8535933921,9788535933925",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "1",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism, and the World",
  author    = "Harris, Malcolm",
  year      = "2023",
  publisher = "Little, Brown and Company (Hachette)",
  isbn      = "9780316592024,0316592021",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "1 (ebook)",
  volume    = "",
  url       = ""

  title     = "History and Truth",
  author    = "Paul Ricoeur",
  translator = "Charles Andrew Kelbley",
  year      = "1965",
  publisher = "Northwestern University Press",
  isbn      = "",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "The reality of the historical past",
  author    = "Ricoeur, Paul",
  year      = "1984",
  publisher = "Marquette University Press",
  isbn      = "0874621526,9780874621525",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

% https://carlosmotta.com/project/brief-history/
% https://www.carlosmotta.com/writings/Motta_Guerrillas.pdf
  title  = "Brief history of leftist guerrillas in Latin America",
  author = "Carlos Motta",
  year   = "2009",
  url    = "https://carlosmotta.com/project/brief-history-of-leftist-guerrillas-in-latin-america-2005-2009/"

% https://carlosmotta.com/project/brief-history/
  title  = "Brief history of U.S. interventions in Latin America since 1946",
  author = "Carlos Motta",
  year   = "2014",
  url    = "https://carlosmotta.com/writings/MOTTA_Interventions.pdf",

  title     = "Uma breve história do infinito - dos paradoxos de Zenão ao universo quântico",
  author    = "Richard Morris",
  year      = "1998",
  publisher = "Zahar",
  isbn      = "9788571104778,8571104778",
  series    = "Ciência \& Cultura",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  author    = "Peters, John Durham",
  title     = "Speaking into the Air: A History of the Idea of Communication",
  year      = "2001",
  publisher = "University of Chicago Press",
  isbn      = "0226662772,9780226662770",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "Evandro Teixeira: Chile 1973",
  author    = "Evandro Teixeira and Sergio Burgi",
  year      = "2023",
  organizer = "Sergio Burgi",
  publisher = "IMS",
  isbn      = "978-65-88251-12-6",
  url       = "https://ims.com.br/exposicao/evandro-teixeira_ims-paulista",

  title     = "O infinito num junco",
  author    = "Vallejo, Irene",
  year      = "2020",
  publisher = "Bertrand Editora",
  isbn      = "9789722541220",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "1",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "O infinito em um junco",
  author    = "Vallejo, Irene",
  year      = "2022",
  publisher = "Intrínseca",
  isbn      = "9786555604696",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "1",
  volume    = "",
  url       = "",

  title     = "The Question of Palestine",
  author    = "Said, Edward W.",
  year      = "1980",
  publisher = "Vintage",
  isbn      = "0394745272,9780394745275",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "1st Vintage Books ed",
  volume    = "",
  url       = ""

  title   = {Mundus. Fundus. The pit that connects the subterranean and the celestial},
  author  = {Esposito, Roberta},
  year    = {2022},
  journal = {FAMagazine. Research and Projects on Architecture and the City},
  number  = {57/58},
  month   = {Feb.},
  pages   = {207-213},
  url     = {https://www.famagazine.it/index.php/famagazine/article/view/710},
  doi     = {10.12838/fam/issn2039-0491/n57/58-2021/710},

  title     = "Os afogados e os sobreviventes: Os delitos, os castigos, as penas",
  author    = "Levi, Primo",
  year      = "2016",
  publisher = "Paz \& Terra",
  isbn      = "8577533468,9788577533466",
  series    = "",
  edition   = "5",
  volume    = "",
  url       = ""