% Encoding: UTF-8 % % Epistemology % @book{merchant1990, title = {The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution}, author = {Carolyn Merchant}, publisher = {HarperOne}, isbn = {0062505955,9780062505958}, year = {1990}, series = {}, edition = {Paperback}, volume = {}, } @book{bernal1939, title = {The Social Function of Science}, author = {John Desmond Bernal}, publisher = {George Routledge}, isbn = {}, year = {1939}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{morin2005, title = {O Método 1. A natureza da natureza}, author = {Morin, Edgar}, year = {2005}, month = {4}, publisher = {Editora Sulina}, isbn = {8520503071}, } @book{morin2005-2, title = {O Método 2. A vida da vida}, author = {Morin, Edgar}, year = {2005}, month = {3}, publisher = {Editora Sulina}, isbn = {85-205-0284-9}, } @book{maturana2005, title = {A árvore do conhecimento - as bases biológicas da compreensão humana}, author = {Maturana, Humberto R.; Varela, Francisco J.}, publisher = {Palas Athena}, isbn = {85-72420-32-0}, year = {2005}, edition = {5}, } % http://climacom.mudancasclimaticas.net.br/antropoceno-capitaloceno-plantationoceno-chthuluceno-fazendo-parentes/ % https://edgeeffects.net/haraway-tsing-plantationocene/ @article{haraway2015, doi = {10.1215/22011919-3615934}, title = {Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, Chthulucene: Making Kin}, author = {Haraway, Donna}, journal = {Environmental Humanities}, issn = {2201-1919,2201-1919}, year = {2015}, volume = {6}, issue = {1}, pages = {159--165}, url = {http://doi.org/10.1215/22011919-3615934} } @book{lima2014, title = {Book of Trees - Visualizing Branches of Knowledge}, author = {Manuel Lima}, publisher = {Princeton Architectural Press}, isbn = {1616892188}, year = {2014}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } % How to cite this page: % Parsons, A. (2008-2013). % Porphyrian tree, labyrinth and rhizome; epistemology. % Praxis and Poiesis [Website]. % Available at url % Accessed on dd month year @misc{parsons2013, author = {Parsons, Allan}, title = {Porphyrian Tree, Labyrinth and Rhizome: Epistemology and Ontology}, year = {2013}, note = {Acessado em 21/11/2020}, url = {https://sites.google.com/site/praxisandtechne/Home/architecture/knowledge/taxonomy/porphyrian-tree-labyrinth-and-rhizome}, } @book{schmidt-burkhardt2003, title = {Maciunas' Learning Machines: from art history to a chronology of Fluxus}, author = {Maciunas, George; Schmidt-Burkhardt, Astrit}, publisher = {Fluxus Collection, Vice Versa, Berlin}, isbn = {9783932809392,3932809394}, year = {2003}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{kuhn2006, title = {A estrutura das revoluções científicas}, author = {Thomas S. Kuhn}, publisher = {Editora Perspectiva}, series = {Debates}, year = {2006}, isbn = {978-85-273-0111-4}, } @book{feyerabend2003, title = {Contra o método}, author = {Paul Feyerabend}, year = {2003}, publisher = {Unesp}, edition = {1a}, } @misc{cocco2020, month = {November}, title = {The ontology of a theory}, author = {Lorenzo Cocco}, year = {2020}, keywords = {Ontology; ontological commitment; regimentation program; constructional systems; extensionalism; postulation;}, url = {http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/18411/}, abstract = {This paper defends two claims about the criterion of commitment of W.V.O Quine. The first claim is that the criterion can be made extensional. The second is that a proper formulation becomes an analytic truth. We spend a few preliminary sections clarifying our intended notion of ontological commitment. We will not go very far in our investigation of the criterion if we do not distinguish (1) the things a theory postulates, (2) what its adherents, or anybody else, believe in, and (3) which of these entities we have compelling reasons to accept. A look at [Quine 1953] shows that the criterion concerned the postulation of entities by theories, but it is often misread as an attempt to say something about either (2) or (3). The core of the paper is an exposition of two formulations of the criterion. I first state a schema improving on that of [Scheffler and Chomsky 1959]. The second formulation is a single principle and construes commitment as a relation between theories and predicates: ontological commitment to the entities that satisfy a given predicate. Both criteria are extensional and are formulated for constructional systems, in the sense of [Carnap 1928] and [Goodman 1951], rather than for theories construed as interpreted sets of sentences. This solves a problem raised by [Halvorson 2019]. Their analyticity is substantiated by showing that their most controversial consequences are instances of Tarski?s Convention (T).} } @article{wildman2006, title = {An Introduction to Relational Ontology}, author = {Wesley J. Wildman}, publisher = {Boston University}, year = {2006}, month = {5}, url = {http://people.bu.edu/wwildman/images/docs/(72)\%202010\%20-\%20Wildman\%20-\%20Introduction\%20to\%20Relational\%20Ontology\%20(final\%20author\%20version)\%20-\%20Polkinghorne\%20ed.pdf}, } % https://repositorio.usp.br/item/001465832 % https://www.teses.usp.br/index.php?option=com_jumi&fileid=17&id=B7A5A8B79FBB @mastersthesis{carneiro2005, title = {A construção do outro como não-ser como fundamento do ser}, author = {Carneiro, Aparecida Sueli and Fischmann, Roseli}, year = {2005}, school = {Universidade de São Paulo}, url = {https://negrasoulblog.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/a-construc3a7c3a3o-do-outro-como-nc3a3o-ser-como-fundamento-do-ser-sueli-carneiro-tese1.pdf}, } @book{scott1998, title = {Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed}, author = {James C. Scott}, publisher = {Yale University Press}, isbn = {0300070160,9780300070163}, year = {1998}, series = {The Yale ISPS Series}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{engels2015, title = {Anti-Duhring}, author = {Friedrich Engels}, publisher = {Boitempo Editorial}, isbn = {9788575594582}, year = {2015}, series = {}, edition = {}, volume = {}, } @book{engels2000, title = {A dialética da natureza}, author = {Friedrich Engels}, publisher = {Paz e Terra}, isbn = {}, year = {2000}, series = {Coleção Pensamento Crítico}, edition = {6}, volume = {8}, }