# Biblio

## About

A particular bibliography in BibTeX format.

## Organization logic

* If an entry can be included in a specific theme (say "information"), move

* If not, move to a broader theme (something about "philosophy of gardening"
  goes to "philosophy" if there is no "gardening" theme available).

## Non-standard fields

Entries in this repository also uses the following non-standard BibTeX fields:

* `tags`: used for non-hierarchical categorization. Example:

        tags = {literature,theater,tragedy},

* `translator`: store the translators of a given work. Example:

        translator = {Jane Doe and John Doe},

* `editor`: the editors of a given work. Example:

        editor = {Jane Doe and John Doe},

* `organizer`: the organizer of a given work. Example:

        organizer = {Jane Doe and John Doe},

* `cover`: to list those who made the book/entry cover.

* `designer`: who did the design/editing.

* `reviewer`: who did the review.

* `oclc`: OCLC Control Number - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OCLC.

## Testing

    sudo apt install make biber pybtex
    make lint