#                          |\_
# B A C K U P N I N J A   /()/
#                         `\|
# main configuration file

# how verbose to make the logs
# 5 -- Debugging messages     (and below)
# 4 -- Informational messages (and below)
# 3 -- Warnings               (and below)
# 2 -- Errors                 (and below)
# 1 -- Fatal errors           (only)
loglevel = 4

# send a summary of the backup status to
# this email address:
reportemail = root

# if set to 'yes', a report email will be generated
# even if all modules reported success. (default = yes)
reportsuccess = yes

# if set to 'yes', a report email will be generated
# even if there was no error. (default = yes)
reportwarning = yes

# for most installations, the defaults below are good #

# where to log:
logfile = @localstatedir@/log/backupninja.log

# directory where all the backup configuration files live
configdirectory = @CFGDIR@/backup.d

# where backupninja helper scripts are found
scriptdirectory = @pkgdatadir@

# whether to use colors in the log file
usecolors = yes

# default value for 'when'
when = everyday at 01:00

# if running vservers, set to yes
vservers = no