path: root/handlers
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'handlers')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 255 deletions
diff --git a/handlers/easydialog.sh b/handlers/easydialog.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 0113d9c..0000000
--- a/handlers/easydialog.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-# copyright 2002 lmoore@tump.com under the terms of the GNU LGPL.
-# additions 2005 collective@riseup.net
-# whiptail has trouble being called in the foo=$(whiptail ...) fashion for
-# some reason. this is very annoying. this means that we need to use
-# temporary files to store the answers from the input and list based boxes
-# and then read the answers into a REPLY variable. that just really
-# stinks, oh well, that's what you get when you have a weak link
-# implementation...
-# inputBox and passwordBox could be refactored to use a common function
-test -z "$WIDTH" && WIDTH=0
-test -z "$HEIGHT" && HEIGHT=0
-setApplicationTitle() {
-setHelp() {
- HELP="$@"
-setDimension() {
- WIDTH=$1
-booleanBox() {
- $DIALOG --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "$1" \
- `[ "$3" == no ] && echo '--defaultno'` --yesno "$2" $HEIGHT $WIDTH
-msgBox() {
- $DIALOG --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "$1" \
- --msgbox "$2" $HEIGHT $WIDTH
-gaugeBox() {
- $DIALOG --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "$1" \
- --gauge "$2" $HEIGHT $WIDTH 0
-inputBox() {
- local temp=$(mktemp -t) || exit 1
- trap "rm -f $temp" 0
- $DIALOG --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "$1" \
- --inputbox "$2" $HEIGHT $WIDTH "$3" 2> $temp
- local status=$?
- [ $status = 0 ] && REPLY=$(cat $temp)
- rm -f $temp
- return $status
-# Xdialog and {dialog,whiptail} use different mechanism to "qoute" the
-# values from a checklist. {dialog,whiptail} uses standard double quoting
-# while Xdialog uses a "/" as the separator. the slash is arguably better,
-# but the double quoting is more standard. anyway, this function can be
-# overridden to allow a derived implementation to change it's quoting
-# mechanism to the standard double-quoting one. it receives two
-# arguements, the file that has the data and the box type.
-_listReplyHook() {
- cat $1
-# this is the base implementation of all the list based boxes, it works
-# out nicely that way. the real function just passes it's arguments to
-# this function with an extra argument specifying the actual box that
-# needs to be rendered.
-_genericListBox() {
- local box=$1
- shift 1
- local title=$1
- local text=$2
- shift 2
- local temp=$(mktemp -t) || exit 1
- trap "rm -f $temp" 0
- $DIALOG $HELP $_DEFAULT --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "$title" \
- $box "$text" $HEIGHT $WIDTH 10 \
- "$@" 2> $temp
- local status=$?
- [ $status = 0 ] && REPLY=$(_listReplyHook $temp $box)
- rm -f $temp
- return $status
-setDefault() {
- _DEFAULT="--default-item $1"
-menuBox() {
- _genericListBox --menu "$@"
-## a menu box with additional help info displayed
-## at the bottom of the window when an item is selected
-menuBoxHelp() {
- HELP="--item-help"
- _genericListBox --menu "$@"
- status=$?
- return $status
-## a menu box with an addition button 'help'
-menuBoxHelpFile() {
- HELP="--help-button"
- _genericListBox --menu "$@"
- status=$?
- return $status
-checkBox() {
- _genericListBox --checklist "$@"
-radioBox() {
- _genericListBox --radiolist "$@"
-textBox() {
- $DIALOG --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "$1" --textbox "$2" $HEIGHT $WIDTH
-passwordBox() {
- local temp=$(mktemp -t) || exit 1
- trap "rm -f $temp" 0
- $DIALOG --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "$1" \
- --passwordbox "$2" $HEIGHT $WIDTH 2> $temp
- local status=$?
- [ $status = 0 ] && REPLY=$(cat $temp)
- rm -f $temp
- return $status
-## begin-item-display style lists
-## these lists are built by calling fuctions multiple times.
-## this can make it easier to build your list in a loop
-listBegin() {
- _menu_title=$1
- _menu_msg=$2
- _menu_items=0
- _menu_text=
- _menu_labels=
- _menu_status=
-listItem() {
- _menu_labels[$_menu_items]=$1
- _menu_text[$_menu_items]=$2
- _menu_status[$_menu_items]=$3 # available only for checklist
- let "_menu_items += 1"
-## takes one of:
-## menu, checklist, radiolist
-listDisplay() {
- boxtype=$1
- local temp=$(mktemp -t) || exit 1
- trap "rm -f $temp" 0
- local label
- local text
- local status
- (
- echo -ne " $HELP $_DEFAULT "
- echo -ne " --backtitle '$BACKTITLE' "
- echo -ne " --title '$_menu_title' "
- echo -ne " --$boxtype '$_menu_msg' "
- echo -ne " $HEIGHT $WIDTH 10 "
- for ((i=0; i < $_menu_items ; i++)); do
- label=${_menu_labels[$i]}
- text=${_menu_text[$i]}
- status=${_menu_status[$i]}
- echo -ne " $label '$text' $status "
- done
- ) | xargs $DIALOG 2> $temp
- local status=$?
- REPLY=""
- [ $status = 0 ] && REPLY=`cat $temp`
- rm -f $temp
- return $status
-## FORM
-formBegin() {
- _form_title=$1
- _form_items=0
- _form_labels=
- _form_text=
-formItem() {
- _form_labels[$_form_items]=$1
- _form_text[$_form_items]=$2
- let "_form_items += 1"
-formDisplay() {
- local temp=$(mktemp -t) || exit 1
- max_length=0
- for ((i=0; i < ${#_form_labels[@]} ; i++)); do
- label=${_form_labels[$i]}
- length=`expr length $label`
- if [ $length -gt $max_length ]; then
- max_length=$length
- fi
- done
- let "max_length += 2"
- local xpos=1
- (
- echo -n -e "--form '$_form_title' 0 0 20"
- for ((i=0; i < $_form_items ; i++)); do
- label=${_form_labels[$i]}
- text=${_form_text[$i]}
- echo -n -e " $label $xpos 1 '$text' $xpos $max_length 30 30"
- let "xpos += _form_gap"
- done
- ) | xargs $DIALOG 2> $temp
- local status=$?
- if [ $status = 0 ]; then
- IFS=$''
- REPLY=`cat $temp`
- IFS=$' \t\n'
- fi
- rm -f $temp
- return $status