path: root/handlers/maildir
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'handlers/maildir')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 348 deletions
diff --git a/handlers/maildir b/handlers/maildir
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b98deb..0000000
--- a/handlers/maildir
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode: sh; sh-basic-offset: 3; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
-# This handler slowly creates a backup of each user's maildir
-# to a remote server. It is designed to be run with low overhead
-# in terms of cpu and bandwidth so it runs pretty slow.
-# Hardlinking is used to save storage space.
-# each users maildir will contain these files:
-# daily.1
-# daily.2
-# daily.3
-# weekly.1
-# weekly.2
-# monthly.1
-# if keepdaily is 3, keepweekly is 2, and keepmonthly is 1.
-# the actual maildir is stored within each snapshot directory.
-# The basic algorithm is to rsync each maildir individually,
-# and to use hard links for retaining historical data.
-# We handle each maildir individually because it becomes very
-# unweldy to hardlink and rsync many hundreds of thousands
-# of files at once. It is much faster to take on smaller
-# chunks at a time.
-# For the backup rotation to work, destuser must be able to run
-# arbitrary bash commands on the desthost.
-# Any maildir which is deleted from the source will be moved to
-# "deleted" directory in the destination. It is up to you to
-# periodically remove this directory or old maildirs in it.
-getconf rotate yes
-getconf remove yes
-getconf backup yes
-getconf loadlimit 5
-getconf speedlimit 0
-getconf keepdaily 5
-getconf keepweekly 3
-getconf keepmonthly 1
-getconf srcdir /var/maildir
-getconf destdir
-getconf desthost
-getconf destport 22
-getconf destuser
-getconf multiconnection notset
-letters="a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z"
-# strip trailing /
-# used for testing
-#getconf testuser elijah
-[ -d $srcdir ] || fatal "source directory $srcdir doesn't exist"
-[ "$multiconnection" == "notset" ] && fatal "The maildir handler uses a very different destination format. See the example .maildir for more information"
-[ ! $test ] || testflags="--dry-run -v"
-rsyncflags="$testflags -e 'ssh -p $destport' -r -v --ignore-existing --delete --size-only --bwlimit=$speedlimit"
-excludes="--exclude '.Trash/\*' --exclude '.Mistakes/\*' --exclude '.Spam/\*'"
-function do_user() {
- local user=$1
- local btype=$2
- local letter=${user:0:1}
- local source="$srcdir/$letter/$user/"
- local target="$destdir/$letter/$user/$btype.1"
- if [ ! -d $source ]; then
- warning "maildir $source not found"
- return
- fi
- debug "syncing"
- ret=`$RSYNC -e "ssh -p $destport" -r \
- --links --ignore-existing --delete --size-only --bwlimit=$speedlimit \
- --exclude '.Trash/*' --exclude '.Mistakes/*' --exclude '.Spam/*' \
- $source $destuser@$desthost:$target \
- 2>&1`
- ret=$?
- # ignore 0 (success) and 24 (file vanished before it could be copied)
- if [ $ret != 0 -a $ret != 24 ]; then
- warning "rsync $user failed"
- warning " returned: $ret"
- let "failedcount = failedcount + 1"
- if [ $failedcount -gt 100 ]; then
- fatal "100 rsync errors -- something is not working right. bailing out."
- fi
- fi
- ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no $desthost -l $destuser "date +%c%n%s > $target/created"
-# remove any maildirs from backup which might have been deleted
-# and add new ones which have just been created.
-# (actually, it just moved them to the directory "deleted")
-function do_remove() {
- local tmp1=`maketemp maildir-tmp-file`
- local tmp2=`maketemp maildir-tmp-file`
- ssh -p $destport $destuser@$desthost mkdir -p "$destdir/deleted"
- for i in a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z; do
- ls -1 "$srcdir/$i/" | sort > $tmp1
- ssh -p $destport $destuser@$desthost ls -1 "$destdir/$i/" | sort > $tmp2
- for deluser in `join -v 2 $tmp1 $tmp2`; do
- [ "$deluser" != "" ] || continue
- info "removing $destuser@$desthost:$destdir/$i/$deluser/"
- ssh -p $destport $destuser@$desthost mv "$destdir/$i/$deluser/" "$destdir/deleted"
- done
- done
- rm $tmp1
- rm $tmp2
-function do_rotate() {
- [ "$rotate" == "yes" ] || return;
- local user=$1
- local letter=${user:0:1}
- local backuproot="$destdir/$letter/$user"
- ssh -T -o PasswordAuthentication=no $desthost -l $destuser <<EOF
- seconds_daily=86400
- seconds_weekly=604800
- seconds_monthly=2628000
- keepdaily=$keepdaily
- keepweekly=$keepweekly
- keepmonthly=$keepmonthly
- now=\`date +%s\`
- if [ ! -d "$backuproot" ]; then
- echo "Debug: skipping rotate of $user. $backuproot doesn't exist."
- exit
- fi
- for rottype in daily weekly monthly; do
- seconds=\$((seconds_\${rottype}))
- dir="$backuproot/\$rottype"
- if [ ! -d \$dir.1 ]; then
- echo "Debug: \$dir.1 does not exist, skipping."
- continue 1
- elif [ ! -f \$dir.1/created ]; then
- echo "Warning: \$dir.1/created does not exist. This backup may be only partially completed. Skipping rotation."
- continue 1
- fi
- # Rotate the current list of backups, if we can.
- oldest=\`find $backuproot -type d -maxdepth 1 -name \$rottype'.*' | @SED@ 's/^.*\.//' | sort -n | tail -1\`
- #echo "Debug: oldest \$oldest"
- [ "\$oldest" == "" ] && oldest=0
- for (( i=\$oldest; i > 0; i-- )); do
- if [ -d \$dir.\$i ]; then
- if [ -f \$dir.\$i/created ]; then
- created=\`tail -1 \$dir.\$i/created\`
- else
- created=0
- fi
- cutoff_time=\$(( now - (seconds*(i-1)) ))
- if [ ! \$created -gt \$cutoff_time ]; then
- next=\$(( i + 1 ))
- if [ ! -d \$dir.\$next ]; then
- echo "Debug: \$rottype.\$i --> \$rottype.\$next"
- mv \$dir.\$i \$dir.\$next
- date +%c%n%s > \$dir.\$next/rotated
- else
- echo "Debug: skipping rotation of \$dir.\$i because \$dir.\$next already exists."
- fi
- else
- echo "Debug: skipping rotation of \$dir.\$i because it was created" \$(( (now-created)/86400)) "days ago ("\$(( (now-cutoff_time)/86400))" needed)."
- fi
- fi
- done
- done
- max=\$((keepdaily+1))
- if [ \( \$keepweekly -gt 0 -a -d $backuproot/daily.\$max \) -a ! -d $backuproot/weekly.1 ]; then
- echo "Debug: daily.\$max --> weekly.1"
- mv $backuproot/daily.\$max $backuproot/weekly.1
- date +%c%n%s > $backuproot/weekly.1/rotated
- fi
- max=\$((keepweekly+1))
- if [ \( \$keepmonthly -gt 0 -a -d $backuproot/weekly.\$max \) -a ! -d $backuproot/monthly.1 ]; then
- echo "Debug: weekly.\$max --> monthly.1"
- mv $backuproot/weekly.\$max $backuproot/monthly.1
- date +%c%n%s > $backuproot/monthly.1/rotated
- fi
- for rottype in daily weekly monthly; do
- max=\$((keep\${rottype}+1))
- dir="$backuproot/\$rottype"
- oldest=\`find $backuproot -type d -maxdepth 1 -name \$rottype'.*' | @SED@ 's/^.*\.//' | sort -n | tail -1\`
- [ "\$oldest" == "" ] && oldest=0
- # if we've rotated the last backup off the stack, remove it.
- for (( i=\$oldest; i >= \$max; i-- )); do
- if [ -d \$dir.\$i ]; then
- if [ -d $backuproot/rotate.tmp ]; then
- echo "Debug: removing rotate.tmp"
- rm -rf $backuproot/rotate.tmp
- fi
- echo "Debug: moving \$rottype.\$i to rotate.tmp"
- mv \$dir.\$i $backuproot/rotate.tmp
- fi
- done
- done
-####### END REMOTE SCRIPT #######
-) | (while read a; do passthru $a; done)
-function setup_remote_dirs() {
- local user=$1
- local backuptype=$2
- local letter=${user:0:1}
- local dir="$destdir/$letter/$user/$backuptype"
- local tmpdir="$destdir/$letter/$user/rotate.tmp"
- ssh -T -o PasswordAuthentication=no $desthost -l $destuser <<EOF
- if [ ! -d $destdir ]; then
- echo "Fatal: Destination directory $destdir does not exist on host $desthost."
- exit 1
- elif [ -d $dir.1 ]; then
- if [ -f $dir.1/created ]; then
- echo "Warning: $dir.1 already exists. Overwriting contents."
- else
- echo "Warning: we seem to be resuming a partially written $dir.1"
- fi
- else
- if [ -d $tmpdir ]; then
- mv $tmpdir $dir.1
- if [ \$? == 1 ]; then
- echo "Fatal: could mv $destdir/rotate.tmp $dir.1 on host $desthost"
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- mkdir --parents $dir.1
- if [ \$? == 1 ]; then
- echo "Fatal: could not create directory $dir.1 on host $desthost"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- if [ -d $dir.2 ]; then
- echo "Debug: update links $backuptype.2 --> $backuptype.1"
- cp -alf $dir.2/. $dir.1
- #if [ \$? == 1 ]; then
- # echo "Fatal: could not create hard links to $dir.1 on host $desthost"
- # exit 1
- #fi
- fi
- fi
- [ -f $dir.1/created ] && rm $dir.1/created
- [ -f $dir.1/rotated ] && rm $dir.1/rotated
- exit 0
-) | (while read a; do passthru $a; done)
- if [ $? == 1 ]; then exit; fi
-function start_mux() {
- if [ "$multiconnection" == "yes" ]; then
- debug "Starting dummy ssh connection"
- ssh -p $destport $destuser@$desthost sleep 1d &
- sleep 1
- fi
-function end_mux() {
- if [ "$multiconnection" == "yes" ]; then
- debug "Stopping dummy ssh connection"
- ssh -p $destport $destuser@$desthost pkill sleep
- fi
-# see if we can login
-debug "ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no $desthost -l $destuser 'echo -n 1'"
-if [ ! $test ]; then
- result=`ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no $desthost -l $destuser 'echo -n 1' 2>&1`
- if [ "$result" != "1" ]; then
- fatal "Can't connect to $desthost as $destuser."
- fi
-status=`ssh -p $destport $destuser@$desthost "[ -d \"$destdir\" ] && echo 'ok'"`
-if [ "$status" != "ok" ]; then
- end_mux
- fatal "Destination directory $destdir doesn't exist!"
- exit
-if [ "$remove" == "yes" ]; then
- do_remove
-if [ "$backup" == "yes" ]; then
- if [ $keepdaily -gt 0 ]; then btype=daily
- elif [ $keepweekly -gt 0 ]; then btype=weekly
- elif [ $keepmonthly -gt 0 ]; then btype=monthly
- else fatal "keeping no backups"; fi
- if [ "$testuser" != "" ]; then
- cd "$srcdir/${user:0:1}"
- do_rotate $testuser
- setup_remote_dirs $testuser $btype
- do_user $testuser $btype
- else
- for i in $letters; do
- [ -d "$srcdir/$i" ] || fatal "directory $srcdir/$i not found."
- cd "$srcdir/$i"
- debug $i
- for user in `ls -1`; do
- [ "$user" != "" ] || continue
- debug $user
- do_rotate $user
- setup_remote_dirs $user $btype
- do_user $user $btype
- done
- done
- fi