path: root/handlers/sys
diff options
authorElijah Saxon <elijah@riseup.net>2004-12-23 02:54:53 +0000
committerElijah Saxon <elijah@riseup.net>2004-12-23 02:54:53 +0000
commitf4843b2fd7d4151c6fd34e90b30e1fd3a60be8f0 (patch)
tree918371f18dc8b7162904288bec8fd47d0bd8d85a /handlers/sys
parent2abeb132c1b537098fe9200a45f7195392114e0e (diff)
added 'sys' handler.
Diffstat (limited to 'handlers/sys')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/handlers/sys b/handlers/sys
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..35a3919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/handlers/sys
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# this handler will save various reports of vital system information.
+# by default, all the reports are enabled and are saved in /var/backups.
+# (1) a list of all the packages installed and removed.
+# this file can be used to restore the state of installed packages
+# by running "dpkg --set-selections < dpkg-selections.txt
+# (2) the partition table of all disks.
+# this partition table can be used to format another disk of
+# the same size. this can be handy if using software raid and
+# you have a disk go bad. just replace the disk and partition it
+# by running "sfdisk /dev/sdb < partitions.sdb.txt"
+# (3) hardware information.
+# a simple report is generated of the kernel modules, the devices,
+# and the model of the hardware which 'discover' is able to detect.
+getconf packages yes
+getconf packagesfile /var/backups/dpkg-selections.txt
+getconf partitions yes
+getconf partitionsfile /var/backups/partitions.*.txt
+getconf hardware yes
+getconf hardwarefile /var/backups/hardware.txt
+if [ "$packages" == "yes" ]; then
+ if [ ! -x "`which dpkg`" ]; then
+ debug 2 "can't find dpkg, skipping installed packages report."
+ packages="no"
+ fi
+if [ "$partitions" == "yes" ]; then
+ if [ ! -x "`which sfdisk`" ]; then
+ debug 2 "can't find sfdisk, skipping partition report."
+ partitions="no"
+ fi
+if [ "$hardware" == "yes" ]; then
+ if [ ! -x "`which discover`" ]; then
+ debug 2 "can't find discover, skipping hardware report."
+ hardware="no"
+ fi
+## PACKAGES ##############################
+# here we grab a list of the packages installed and removed.
+if [ "$packages" == "yes" ]; then
+ dpkg --get-selections > $packagesfile
+## PARTITIONS #############################
+# here we use sfdisk to dump a listing of all the partitions.
+# these files can be used to directly partition a disk of the same size.
+if [ "$partitions" == "yes" ]; then
+ for i in `sfdisk -l | grep "^/dev/" | awk '{print $1}'`; do
+ devices=`echo $i | sed 's/[0-9]//'`
+ done
+ devices=`echo $devices | sort | uniq`
+ for dev in $devices; do
+ # remove leading /dev/
+ label=${devices#/dev/}
+ # replace any remaining '/'
+ label=${label//\//-}
+ outputfile=${partitionsfile//__star__/$label}
+ sfdisk -d $dev > $outputfile
+ done
+## HARDWARE #############################
+# here we use discover to dump a table listing all the
+# information we can find on the hardware of this machine
+if [ "$hardware" == "yes" ]; then
+ printf "%15s%15s %s / %s\n" "kernel module" "device" "vender" "model" > $hardwarefile
+ printf "%15s%15s %s / %s\n\n" "=============" "======" "======" "=====" >> $hardwarefile
+ oldifs=$IFS
+ IFS=$'\t\n'
+ discover --format="'%m'\t'%d'\t'%V'\t'%M'\n" all | \
+ while read module device vender model
+ do printf "%15s%15s %s / %s\n" "${module//\'/}" "${device//\'/}" "${vender//\'/}" "${model//\'/}" >> $hardwarefile
+ done
+ IFS=$oldifs