--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @author Alexander Yakushev <yakushev.alex@gmail.com> -- @copyright 2010-2011 Alexander Yakushev -- @release v1.0.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- require('utf8') require('jamendo') local beautiful = require('beautiful') local naughty = naughty local awful = awful local format = string.format -- Debug stuff local enable_dbg = false local function dbg (...) if enable_dbg then print(...) end end awesompd = {} -- Constants awesompd.MOUSE_LEFT = 1 awesompd.MOUSE_MIDDLE = 2 awesompd.MOUSE_RIGHT = 3 awesompd.MOUSE_SCROLL_UP = 4 awesompd.MOUSE_SCROLL_DOWN = 5 awesompd.NOTIFY_VOLUME = 1 awesompd.NOTIFY_REPEAT = 2 awesompd.NOTIFY_RANDOM = 3 awesompd.NOTIFY_SINGLE = 4 awesompd.NOTIFY_CONSUME = 5 awesompd.FORMAT_MP3 = jamendo.FORMAT_MP3 awesompd.FORMAT_OGG = jamendo.FORMAT_OGG awesompd.ESCAPE_SYMBOL_MAPPING = {} awesompd.ESCAPE_SYMBOL_MAPPING["&"] = "&" -- Menus do not handle symbol escaping correctly, so they need their -- own mapping. awesompd.ESCAPE_MENU_SYMBOL_MAPPING = {} awesompd.ESCAPE_MENU_SYMBOL_MAPPING["&"] = "'n'" -- Icons -- Helper function for loading icons. Checks if an icon exists, and -- if it does, returns the path to icon, nil otherwise. function awesompd.try_load(file) local f = io.open(file) if f then io.close(f) return file else return nil end end function awesompd.load_icons(path) awesompd.ICONS = {} awesompd.ICONS.PLAY = awesompd.try_load(path .. "/play_icon.png") awesompd.ICONS.PAUSE = awesompd.try_load(path .. "/pause_icon.png") awesompd.ICONS.PLAY_PAUSE = awesompd.try_load(path .. "/play_pause_icon.png") awesompd.ICONS.STOP = awesompd.try_load(path .. "/stop_icon.png") awesompd.ICONS.NEXT = awesompd.try_load(path .. "/next_icon.png") awesompd.ICONS.PREV = awesompd.try_load(path .. "/prev_icon.png") awesompd.ICONS.CHECK = awesompd.try_load(path .. "/check_icon.png") awesompd.ICONS.RADIO = awesompd.try_load(path .. "/radio_icon.png") awesompd.ICONS.DEFAULT_ALBUM_COVER = awesompd.try_load(path .. "/default_album_cover.png") end -- Function that returns a new awesompd object. function awesompd:create() -- Initialization instance = {} setmetatable(instance,self) self.__index = self instance.current_server = 1 instance.widget = widget({ type = "textbox" }) instance.notification = nil instance.scroll_pos = 1 instance.text = "" instance.status = "Stopped" instance.status_text = "Stopped" instance.to_notify = false instance.connected = true instance.album_cover = nil instance.recreate_menu = true instance.recreate_playback = true instance.recreate_list = true instance.recreate_servers = true instance.recreate_options = true instance.recreate_jamendo_formats = true instance.recreate_jamendo_order = true instance.current_number = 0 instance.menu_shown = false -- Default user options instance.servers = { { server = "localhost", port = 6600 } } instance.font = "Monospace" instance.scrolling = true instance.output_size = 30 instance.update_interval = 10 instance.path_to_icons = "" instance.ldecorator = " " instance.rdecorator = " " instance.show_jamendo_album_covers = true instance.album_cover_size = 50 instance.show_local_album_covers = true -- Widget configuration instance.widget:add_signal("mouse::enter", function(c) instance:notify_track() end) instance.widget:add_signal("mouse::leave", function(c) instance:remove_hint() end) return instance end -- Registers timers for the widget function awesompd:run() enable_dbg = self.debug_mode jamendo.set_current_format(self.jamendo_format) if self.album_cover_size > 100 then self.album_cover_size = 100 end self:update_track() self:check_playlists() self.load_icons(self.path_to_icons) self.update_widget_timer = timer({ timeout = 1 }) self.update_widget_timer:add_signal("timeout", function() self:update_widget() end) self.update_widget_timer:start() self.update_track_timer = timer({ timeout = self.update_interval }) self.update_track_timer:add_signal("timeout", function() self:update_track() end) self.update_track_timer:start() end -- Slightly modified function awful.util.table.join. function awesompd.ajoin(buttons) local result = {} for i = 1, table.getn(buttons) do if buttons[i] then for k, v in pairs(buttons[i]) do if type(k) == "number" then table.insert(result, v) else result[k] = v end end end end return result end -- Function that registers buttons on the widget. function awesompd:register_buttons(buttons) widget_buttons = {} for b=1,table.getn(buttons) do if type(buttons[b][1]) == "string" then mods = { buttons[b][1] } else mods = buttons[b][1] end table.insert(widget_buttons, awful.button(mods, buttons[b][2], buttons[b][3])) end self.widget:buttons(self.ajoin(widget_buttons)) end -- /// Group of mpc command functions /// -- Takes a command to mpc and a hook that is provided with awesompd -- instance and the result of command execution. function awesompd:command(com,hook) local file = io.popen(self:mpcquery() .. com) if hook then hook(self,file) end file:close() end -- Takes a command to mpc and read mode and returns the result. function awesompd:command_read(com, mode) self:command(com, function(_, f) result = f:read(mode) end) return result end function awesompd:command_toggle() return function() self:command("toggle",self.update_track) end end function awesompd:command_next_track() return function() self:command("next",self.update_track) end end function awesompd:command_prev_track() return function() self:command("seek 0") self:command("prev",self.update_track) end end function awesompd:command_play_specific(n) return function() self:command("play " .. n,self.update_track) end end function awesompd:command_stop() return function() self:command("stop",self.update_track) end end function awesompd:command_volume_up() return function() self:command("volume +5",self.update_track) self:notify_state(self.NOTIFY_VOLUME) end end function awesompd:command_volume_down() return function() self:command("volume -5",self.update_track) self:notify_state(self.NOTIFY_VOLUME) end end function awesompd:command_random_toggle() return function() self:command("random",self.update_track) self:notify_state(self.NOTIFY_RANDOM) end end function awesompd:command_repeat_toggle() return function() self:command("repeat",self.update_track) self:notify_state(self.NOTIFY_REPEAT) end end function awesompd:command_single_toggle() return function() self:command("single",self.update_track) self:notify_state(self.NOTIFY_SINGLE) end end function awesompd:command_consume_toggle() return function() self:command("consume",self.update_track) self:notify_state(self.NOTIFY_CONSUME) end end function awesompd:command_load_playlist(name) return function() self:command("load " .. name, function() self.recreate_menu = true end) end end function awesompd:command_replace_playlist(name) return function() self:command("clear") self:command("load " .. name) self:command("play 1", self.update_track) end end function awesompd:command_jamendo_search_by(what) return function() local callback = function(s) local result = jamendo.search_by(what, s) if result then local track_count = table.getn(result.tracks) self:add_jamendo_tracks(result.tracks) self:add_hint(format("%s \"%s\" was found", what.display, result.search_res.name), format("Added %s tracks to the playlist", track_count)) else self:add_hint("Search failed", format("%s \"%s\" was not found", what.display, s)) end end self:display_inputbox("Search music on Jamendo", what.display, callback) end end -- /// End of mpc command functions /// -- /// Menu generation functions /// function awesompd:command_show_menu() return function() self:remove_hint() if self.recreate_menu then local new_menu = {} if self.main_menu ~= nil then self.main_menu:hide() end if self.connected then self:check_list() self:check_playlists() table.insert(new_menu, { "Playback", self:get_playback_menu() }) table.insert(new_menu, { "Options", self:get_options_menu() }) table.insert(new_menu, { "List", self:get_list_menu() }) table.insert(new_menu, { "Playlists", self:get_playlists_menu() }) table.insert(new_menu, { "Jamendo", { { "Search by", { { "Nothing (Top 100)", self:add_jamendo_top() }, { "Artist", self:command_jamendo_search_by(jamendo.SEARCH_ARTIST) }, { "Album", self:command_jamendo_search_by(jamendo.SEARCH_ALBUM) }, { "Tag", self:command_jamendo_search_by(jamendo.SEARCH_TAG) }}}, self:get_jamendo_formats_menu(), self:get_jamendo_order_menu() }}) end table.insert(new_menu, { "Servers", self:get_servers_menu() }) self.main_menu = awful.menu({ items = new_menu, width = 300 }) self.recreate_menu = false end self.main_menu:toggle() end end function awesompd:add_jamendo_top() return function () local track_table = jamendo.return_track_table() self:add_jamendo_tracks(track_table) self:add_hint("Jamendo Top 100 by " .. jamendo.current_request_table.params.order.short_display, format("Added %s tracks to the playlist", table.getn(track_table))) end end function awesompd:add_jamendo_tracks(track_table) for i = 1,table.getn(track_table) do self:command("add " .. track_table[i].stream) end self.recreate_menu = true self.recreate_list = true end -- Returns the playback menu. Menu contains of: -- Play\Pause - always -- Previous - if the current track is not the first -- in the list and playback is not stopped -- Next - if the current track is not the last -- in the list and playback is not stopped -- Stop - if the playback is not stopped function awesompd:get_playback_menu() if self.recreate_playback then local new_menu = {} table.insert(new_menu, { "Play\\Pause", self:command_toggle(), self.ICONS.PLAY_PAUSE }) if self.connected and self.status ~= "Stopped" then if self.list_array[self.current_number-1] then table.insert(new_menu, { "Prev: " .. awesompd.protect_string(jamendo.replace_link( self.list_array[self.current_number - 1]), true), self:command_prev_track(), self.ICONS.PREV }) end if self.current_number ~= table.getn(self.list_array) then table.insert(new_menu, { "Next: " .. awesompd.protect_string(jamendo.replace_link( self.list_array[self.current_number + 1]), true), self:command_next_track(), self.ICONS.NEXT }) end table.insert(new_menu, { "Stop", self:command_stop(), self.ICONS.STOP }) end self.recreate_playback = false playback_menu = new_menu end return playback_menu end -- Returns the current playlist menu. Menu consists of all elements in the playlist. function awesompd:get_list_menu() if self.recreate_list then local new_menu = {} if self.list_array then local total_count = table.getn(self.list_array) local start_num = (self.current_number - 15 > 0) and self.current_number - 15 or 1 local end_num = (self.current_number + 15 < total_count ) and self.current_number + 15 or total_count for i = start_num, end_num do table.insert(new_menu, { jamendo.replace_link(self.list_array[i]), self:command_play_specific(i), self.current_number == i and (self.status == "Playing" and self.ICONS.PLAY or self.ICONS.PAUSE) or nil} ) end end self.recreate_list = false self.list_menu = new_menu end return self.list_menu end -- Returns the playlists menu. Menu consists of all files in the playlist folder. function awesompd:get_playlists_menu() if self.recreate_playlists then local new_menu = {} if table.getn(self.playlists_array) > 0 then for i = 1, table.getn(self.playlists_array) do local submenu = {} submenu[1] = { "Add to current", self:command_load_playlist(self.playlists_array[i]) } submenu[2] = { "Replace current", self:command_replace_playlist(self.playlists_array[i]) } new_menu[i] = { self.playlists_array[i], submenu } end table.insert(new_menu, {"", ""}) -- This is a separator end table.insert(new_menu, { "Refresh", function() self:check_playlists() end }) self.recreate_playlists = false self.playlists_menu = new_menu end return self.playlists_menu end -- Returns the server menu. Menu consists of all servers specified by user during initialization. function awesompd:get_servers_menu() if self.recreate_servers then local new_menu = {} for i = 1, table.getn(self.servers) do table.insert(new_menu, {"Server: " .. self.servers[i].server .. ", port: " .. self.servers[i].port, function() self:change_server(i) end, i == self.current_server and self.ICONS.RADIO or nil}) end self.servers_menu = new_menu end return self.servers_menu end -- Returns the options menu. Menu works like checkboxes for it's elements. function awesompd:get_options_menu() if self.recreate_options then local new_menu = {} -- self:update_state() table.insert(new_menu, { "Repeat", self:command_repeat_toggle(), self.state_repeat == "on" and self.ICONS.CHECK or nil}) table.insert(new_menu, { "Random", self:command_random_toggle(), self.state_random == "on" and self.ICONS.CHECK or nil}) table.insert(new_menu, { "Single", self:command_single_toggle(), self.state_single == "on" and self.ICONS.CHECK or nil}) table.insert(new_menu, { "Consume", self:command_consume_toggle(), self.state_consume == "on" and self.ICONS.CHECK or nil}) self.options_menu = new_menu self.recreate_options = false end return self.options_menu end function awesompd:command_jamendo_set_format(format) return function() jamendo.current_request_table.params.streamencoding = format end end function awesompd:get_jamendo_formats_menu() if self.recreate_jamendo_formats then local setformat = function(format) return function() jamendo.set_current_format(format) self.recreate_menu = true self.recreate_jamendo_formats = true end end local iscurr = function(f) return jamendo.current_request_table.params.streamencoding.value == f.value end local new_menu = {} for _, format in pairs(jamendo.ALL_FORMATS) do table.insert(new_menu, { format.display, setformat(format), iscurr(format) and self.ICONS.RADIO or nil}) end self.recreate_jamendo_formats = false self.jamendo_formats_menu = { "Format: " .. jamendo.current_request_table.params.streamencoding.short_display, new_menu } end return self.jamendo_formats_menu end function awesompd:get_jamendo_order_menu() if self.recreate_jamendo_order then local setorder = function(order) return function() jamendo.set_current_order(order) self.recreate_menu = true self.recreate_jamendo_order = true end end local iscurr = function(o) return jamendo.current_request_table.params.order.value == o.value end local new_menu = {} for _, order in pairs(jamendo.ALL_ORDERS) do table.insert(new_menu, { order.display, setorder(order), iscurr(order) and self.ICONS.RADIO or nil}) end self.recreate_jamendo_order = false self.jamendo_order_menu = { "Order: " .. jamendo.current_request_table.params.order.short_display, new_menu } end return self.jamendo_order_menu end -- Checks if the current playlist has changed after the last check. function awesompd:check_list() local bus = io.popen(self:mpcquery() .. "playlist") local info = bus:read("*all") bus:close() if info ~= self.list_line then self.list_line = info if string.len(info) > 0 then self.list_array = self.split(string.sub(info,1,string.len(info)),"\n") else self.list_array = {} end self.recreate_menu = true self.recreate_list = true end end -- Checks if the collection of playlists changed after the last check. function awesompd:check_playlists() local bus = io.popen(self:mpcquery() .. "lsplaylists") local info = bus:read("*all") bus:close() if info ~= self.playlists_line then self.playlists_line = info if string.len(info) > 0 then self.playlists_array = self.split(info,"\n") else self.playlists_array = {} end self.recreate_menu = true self.recreate_playlists = true end end -- Changes the current server to the specified one. function awesompd:change_server(server_number) self.current_server = server_number self:remove_hint() self.recreate_menu = true self.recreate_playback = true self.recreate_list = true self.recreate_playlists = true self.recreate_servers = true self:update_track() -- self:update_state() end -- /// End of menu generation functions /// function awesompd:add_hint(hint_title, hint_text, hint_image) self:remove_hint() hint_image = self.show_jamendo_album_covers and hint_image or self.show_local_album_covers and self:try_get_local_cover() or nil self.notification = naughty.notify({ title = hint_title , text = awesompd.protect_string(hint_text) , timeout = 5 , position = "top_right" , icon = hint_image , icon_size = self.album_cover_size }) end function awesompd:remove_hint() if self.notification ~= nil then naughty.destroy(self.notification) self.notification = nil end end function awesompd:notify_track() if self.status ~= "Stopped" then self:add_hint(self.status_text, self.text, self.album_cover) end end function awesompd:notify_state(state_changed) state_array = { "Volume: " .. self.state_volume , "Repeat: " .. self.state_repeat , "Random: " .. self.state_random , "Single: " .. self.state_single , "Consume: " .. self.state_consume } state_header = state_array[state_changed] table.remove(state_array,state_changed) full_state = state_array[1] for i = 2, table.getn(state_array) do full_state = full_state .. "\n" .. state_array[i] end self:add_hint(state_header, full_state) end function awesompd:wrap_output(text) return format('%s%s%s', self.font, self.ldecorator, awesompd.protect_string(text), self.rdecorator) end function awesompd.split (s,t) local l = {n=0} local f = function (s) l.n = l.n + 1 l[l.n] = s end local p = "%s*(.-)%s*"..t.."%s*" s = string.gsub(s,p,f) l.n = l.n + 1 return l end function awesompd:mpcquery() return "mpc -h " .. self.servers[self.current_server].server .. " -p " .. self.servers[self.current_server].port .. " " end function awesompd:set_text(text) self.widget.text = self:wrap_output(text) end function awesompd.find_pattern(text, pattern, start) return utf8sub(text, string.find(text, pattern, start)) end -- Scroll the text in the widget function awesompd:scroll_text(text) local result = text if self.output_size < utf8len(text) then text = text .. " - " if self.scroll_pos + self.output_size - 1 > utf8len(text) then result = utf8sub(text, self.scroll_pos) result = result .. utf8sub(text, 1, self.scroll_pos + self.output_size - 1 - utf8len(text)) self.scroll_pos = self.scroll_pos + 1 if self.scroll_pos > utf8len(text) then self.scroll_pos = 1 end else result = utf8sub(text, self.scroll_pos, self.scroll_pos + self.output_size - 1) self.scroll_pos = self.scroll_pos + 1 end end return result end function awesompd:update_widget() self:set_text(self:scroll_text(self.text)) self:check_notify() end function awesompd:check_notify() if self.to_notify then self:notify_track() self.to_notify = false end end function awesompd:notify_connect() self:add_hint("Connected", "Connection established to " .. self.servers[self.current_server].server .. " on port " .. self.servers[self.current_server].port) end function awesompd:notify_disconnect() self:add_hint("Disconnected", "Cannot connect to " .. self.servers[self.current_server].server .. " on port " .. self.servers[self.current_server].port) end function awesompd:update_track(file) local file_exists = (file ~= nil) if not file_exists then file = io.popen(self:mpcquery()) end local track_line = file:read("*line") local status_line = file:read("*line") local options_line = file:read("*line") if not file_exists then file:close() end if not track_line or string.len(track_line) == 0 then self.text = "Disconnected" self.unique_text = self.text if self.connected then self:notify_disconnect() self.connected = false self.recreate_menu = true end else if not self.connected then self:notify_connect() self.connected = true self.recreate_menu = true end if string.find(track_line,"volume:") then self.text = "MPD stopped" self.album_cover = nil self.unique_text = self.text if self.status ~= "Stopped" then self.status = "Stopped" self.current_number = 0 self.recreate_menu = true self.recreate_playback = true self.recreate_list = true end self:update_state(track_line) else self:update_state(options_line) local new_track = track_line if new_track ~= self.unique_text then self.text = jamendo.replace_link(new_track) self.unique_text = new_track self.album_cover = jamendo.try_get_cover(new_track) self.to_notify = true self.recreate_menu = true self.recreate_playback = true self.recreate_list = true self.current_number = tonumber(self.find_pattern(status_line,"%d+")) end local tmp_pst = string.find(status_line,"%d+%:%d+%/") local progress = self.find_pattern(status_line,"%#%d+/%d+") .. " " .. string.sub(status_line,tmp_pst) newstatus = "Playing" if string.find(status_line,"paused") then newstatus = "Paused" end if newstatus ~= self.status then self.to_notify = true self.recreate_list = true end self.status = newstatus self.status_text = self.status .. " " .. progress end end end function awesompd:update_state(state_string) self.state_volume = self.find_pattern(state_string,"%d+%% ") if string.find(state_string,"repeat: on") then self.state_repeat = self:check_set_state(self.state_repeat, "on") else self.state_repeat = self:check_set_state(self.state_repeat, "off") end if string.find(state_string,"random: on") then self.state_random = self:check_set_state(self.state_random, "on") else self.state_random = self:check_set_state(self.state_random, "off") end if string.find(state_string,"single: on") then self.state_single = self:check_set_state(self.state_single, "on") else self.state_single = self:check_set_state(self.state_single, "off") end if string.find(state_string,"consume: on") then self.state_consume = self:check_set_state(self.state_consume, "on") else self.state_consume = self:check_set_state(self.state_consume, "off") end end function awesompd:check_set_state(statevar, val) if statevar ~= val then self.recreate_menu = true self.recreate_options = true end return val end function awesompd:run_prompt(welcome,hook) awful.prompt.run({ prompt = welcome }, self.promptbox[mouse.screen].widget, hook) end -- Replaces control characters with escaped ones. -- for_menu - defines if the special escable table for menus should be -- used. function awesompd.protect_string(str, for_menu) if for_menu then return utf8replace(str, awesompd.ESCAPE_MENU_SYMBOL_MAPPING) else return utf8replace(str, awesompd.ESCAPE_SYMBOL_MAPPING) end end -- Displays an inputbox on the screen (looks like naughty with prompt). -- title_text - bold text on the first line -- prompt_text - preceding text on the second line -- hook - function that will be called with input data -- Use it like this: -- self:display_inputbox("Search music on Jamendo", "Artist", print) function awesompd:display_inputbox(title_text, prompt_text, hook) if self.inputbox then -- Inputbox already exists, do nothing return end local width = 200 local height = 30 local border_color = beautiful.bg_focus or '#535d6c' local margin = 5 local wbox = wibox({ name = "awmpd_ibox", height = height , width = width, border_color = border_color, border_width = 1 }) self.inputbox = wbox local ws = screen[mouse.screen].workarea wbox:geometry({ x = ws.width - width - 5, y = 25 }) wbox.screen = mouse.screen wbox.ontop = true local exe_callback = function(s) hook(s) wbox.screen = nil self.inputbox = nil end local done_callback = function() wbox.screen = nil self.inputbox = nil end local wprompt = awful.widget.prompt({ layout = awful.widget.layout.horizontal.leftright }) local wtbox = widget({ type = "textbox" }) wtbox:margin({ right = margin, left = margin, bottom = margin, top = margin }) wtbox.text = "" .. title_text .. "" wbox.widgets = { wtbox, wprompt, layout = awful.widget.layout.vertical.flex } awful.prompt.run( { prompt = " " .. prompt_text .. ": " }, wprompt.widget, exe_callback, nil, nil, nil, done_callback) end -- Tries to find an album cover for the track that is currently -- playing. function awesompd:try_get_local_cover() local result = self.ICONS.DEFAULT_ALBUM_COVER if self.show_local_album_covers and self.mpd_config then -- First find the music directory in MPD configuration file local _, _, music_folder = string.find( io.popen('cat ' .. self.mpd_config .. ' | grep -v "#" | grep music_directory'):read("*line"), 'music_directory%s+"(.+)"') music_folder = music_folder .. "/" dbg("musfolder", music_folder) -- Get the path to the file currently playing. local _, _, current_file_folder = string.find(self:command_read('current -f "%file%"', "*line"), '(.+%/).*') local folder = music_folder .. current_file_folder dbg("folder", folder) -- Get all images in the folder local covers_bus = io.popen('ls "' .. folder .. '" | grep -P "\.jpg\|\.png\|\.gif"') dbg('wtf', 'ls "' .. folder .. '" | grep "\.jpg\|\.png\|\.gif"') local covers = {} for l in covers_bus:lines() do dbg('here') table.insert(covers, l) end dbg('first', covers[1]) if table.getn(covers) > 0 then result = folder .. covers[1] for i = 2, table.getn(covers) do -- Searching for front cover with grep because Lua regular -- expressions suck:[ local front_cover = io.popen('echo "' .. covers[i] .. '" | grep -i "cover\|front\|folder\|albumart" | head -n 1') if front_cover then result = folder .. front_cover break end end end end return result end