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authorArquivo Publico de Memoria Coletiva <arquivo@sarava.org>2015-07-31 23:38:38 -0300
committerArquivo Publico de Memoria Coletiva <arquivo@sarava.org>2015-07-31 23:38:38 -0300
commitdf4566af59ba8e453d12f27784bbcd4082cfc666 (patch)
tree6fffdd129c497f550b2d32831b274dc7cebe6792 /ikiwiki/pagespec
parent1fac146001ef2ed20f20fb5adf802e81452879ce (diff)
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+ <p class="pagedate">
+ <strong>Posted <span class="date">Sex 23 Abr 2010 18:36:07 BRT</span></strong>
+ </p>
+ <p>This wiki has attachments <strong>disabled</strong>.</p>
+<p>If attachments are enabled, the wiki admin can control what types of
+attachments will be accepted, via the <code>allowed_attachments</code>
+configuration setting.</p>
+<p>For example, to limit most users to uploading small images, and nothing else,
+while allowing larger mp3 files to be uploaded by joey into a specific
+directory, and check all attachments for viruses, something like this could be
+<pre><code>virusfree() and ((user(joey) and podcast/*.mp3 and mimetype(audio/mpeg) and maxsize(15mb)) or (mimetype(image/*) and maxsize(50kb)))
+<p>The regular <a href="../">PageSpec</a> syntax is expanded with the following
+additional tests:</p>
+<li><p>"<code>maxsize(size)</code>" - tests whether the attachment is no larger than the
+specified size. The size defaults to being in bytes, but "kb", "mb", "gb"
+etc can be used to specify the units.</p></li>
+<li><p>"<code>minsize(size)</code>" - tests whether the attachment is no smaller than the
+specified size.</p></li>
+<li><p>"<code>ispage()</code>" - tests whether the attachment will be treated by ikiwiki as a
+wiki page. (Ie, if it has an extension of ".mdwn", or of any other enabled
+page format).</p>
+<p>So, if you don't want to allow wiki pages to be uploaded as attachments,
+use <code>!ispage()</code> ; if you only want to allow wiki pages to be uploaded
+as attachments, use <code>ispage()</code>.</p></li>
+<li><p>"<code>mimetype(foo/bar)</code>" - checks the MIME type of the attachment. You can
+include a glob in the type, for example <code>mimetype(image/*)</code>.</p></li>
+<li><p>"<code>virusfree()</code>" - checks the attachment with an antiviral program.</p></li>
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+ <p class="pagedate">
+ <strong>Posted <span class="date">Qua 20 Out 2010 20:53:50 BRST</span></strong>
+ </p>
+ <p>To select a set of pages, such as pages that are locked, pages
+whose commit emails you want subscribe to, or pages to combine into a
+blog, the wiki uses a PageSpec. This is an expression that matches
+a set of pages.</p>
+<p>The simplest PageSpec is a simple list of pages. For example, this matches
+any of the three listed pages:</p>
+<pre><code>foo or bar or baz
+<p>More often you will want to match any pages that have a particular thing in
+their name. You can do this using a glob pattern. "<code>*</code>" stands for any part
+of a page name, and "<code>?</code>" for any single letter of a page name. So this
+matches all pages about music, and any <a href="../subpage/">SubPage</a>s of the SandBox, but does
+not match the SandBox itself:</p>
+<pre><code>*music* or SandBox/*
+<p>You can also prefix an item with "<code>!</code>" to skip pages that match it. So to
+match all pages except for Discussion pages and the SandBox:</p>
+<pre><code>* and !SandBox and !*/Discussion
+<p>Some more elaborate limits can be added to what matches using these functions:</p>
+<li>"<code>glob(someglob)</code>" - matches pages and other files that match the given glob.
+Just writing the glob by itself is actually a shorthand for this function.</li>
+<li>"<code>page(glob)</code>" - like <code>glob()</code>, but only matches pages, not other files</li>
+<li>"<code>link(page)</code>" - matches only pages that link to a given page (or glob)</li>
+<li>"<code>tagged(tag)</code>" - matches pages that are tagged or link to the given tag (or
+tags matched by a glob)</li>
+<li>"<code>backlink(page)</code>" - matches only pages that a given page links to</li>
+<li>"<code>creation_month(month)</code>" - matches only files created on the given month
+<li>"<code>creation_day(mday)</code>" - or day of the month</li>
+<li>"<code>creation_year(year)</code>" - or year</li>
+<li>"<code>created_after(page)</code>" - matches only files created after the given page
+was created</li>
+<li>"<code>created_before(page)</code>" - matches only files created before the given page
+was created</li>
+<li>"<code>internal(glob)</code>" - like <code>glob()</code>, but matches even internal-use
+pages that globs do not usually match.</li>
+<li>"<code>title(glob)</code>", "<code>author(glob)</code>", "<code>authorurl(glob)</code>",
+"<code>license(glob)</code>", "<code>copyright(glob)</code>", "<code>guid(glob)</code>"
+<li>match pages that have the given metadata, matching the specified glob.</li>
+<li>"<code>user(username)</code>" - tests whether a modification is being made by a
+user with the specified username. If openid is enabled, an openid can also
+be put here. Glob patterns can be used in the username. For example,
+to match all openid users, use <code>user(*://*)</code></li>
+<li>"<code>admin()</code>" - tests whether a modification is being made by one of the
+wiki admins.</li>
+<li>"<code>ip(address)</code>" - tests whether a modification is being made from the
+specified IP address.</li>
+<li>"<code>comment(glob)</code>" - matches comments to a page matching the glob.</li>
+<li>"<code>comment_pending(glob)</code>" - matches unmoderated, pending comments.</li>
+<li>"<code>postcomment(glob)</code>" - matches only when comments are being
+posted to a page matching the specified glob</li>
+<p>For example, to match all pages in a blog that link to the page about music
+and were written in 2005:</p>
+<pre><code>blog/* and link(music) and creation_year(2005)
+<p>Note the use of "and" in the above example, that means that only pages that
+match each of the three expressions match the whole. Use "and" when you
+want to combine expression like that; "or" when it's enough for a page to
+match one expression. Note that it doesn't make sense to say "index and
+SandBox", since no page can match both expressions.</p>
+<p>More complex expressions can also be created, by using parentheses for
+grouping. For example, to match pages in a blog that are tagged with either
+of two tags, use:</p>
+<pre><code>blog/* and (tagged(foo) or tagged(bar))
+<p>Note that page names in PageSpecs are matched against the absolute
+filenames of the pages in the wiki, so a pagespec "foo" used on page
+"a/b" will not match a page named "a/foo" or "a/b/foo". To match
+relative to the directory of the page containing the pagespec, you can
+use "./". For example, "./foo" on page "a/b" matches page "a/foo".</p>
+<p>To indicate the name of the page the PageSpec is used in, you can
+use a single dot. For example, <code>link(.)</code> matches all the pages
+linking to the page containing the PageSpec.</p>
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+ <p class="pagedate">
+ <strong>Posted <span class="date">Seg 12 Jul 2010 16:42:30 BRT</span></strong>
+ </p>
+ <p>This wiki has po support <strong>disabled</strong>.</p>
+<p>If the <a href="http://ikiwiki.info/plugins/po/">po</a> plugin is enabled, the regular
+<a href="../">PageSpec</a> syntax is expanded with the following additional
+tests that can be used to improve user navigation in a multi-lingual
+<li>"<code>lang(LL)</code>" - tests whether a page is written in the language
+specified as a ISO639-1 (two-letter) language code.</li>
+<li>"<code>currentlang()</code>" - tests whether a page is written in the same
+language as the current page.</li>
+<li>"<code>needstranslation()</code>" - tests whether a page needs translation
+work. Only slave pages match this PageSpec. A minimum target
+translation percentage can optionally be passed as an integer
+parameter: "<code>needstranslation(50)</code>" matches only pages less than 50%
+<p>Note that every non-po page is considered to be written in
+<code>po_master_language</code>, as specified in <code>ikiwiki.setup</code>.</p>
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+ <p class="pagedate">
+ <strong>Posted <span class="date">Sáb 12 Nov 2011 14:02:20 BRST</span></strong>
+ </p>
+ <p>Some <a href="../../directive/">directives</a> that use
+<a href="../">PageSpecs</a> allow
+specifying the order that matching pages are shown in. The following sort
+orders can be specified.</p>
+<li><p><code>age</code> - List pages from the most recently created to the oldest.</p></li>
+<li><p><code>mtime</code> - List pages with the most recently modified first.</p></li>
+<li><p><code>title</code> - Order by title (page name), e.g. "z/a a/b a/c"</p></li>
+<li><p><code>path</code> - Order by page name including parents, e.g. "a/b a/c z/a"</p></li>
+<li><p><code>meta(title)</code> - Order according to the <code>[[!meta title="foo" sortas="bar"]]</code>
+or <code>[[!meta title="foo"]]</code> <a href="../../directive/">directive</a>, or the page name if no
+full title was set. <code>meta(author)</code>, <code>meta(date)</code>, <code>meta(updated)</code>, etc.
+also work.</p></li>
+<p>In addition, you can combine several sort orders and/or reverse the order of
+sorting, with a string like <code>age -title</code> (which would sort by age, then by
+title in reverse order if two pages have the same age).</p>
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